
I hve a question to those who have anxiety and not able to relate with people

by  |  earlier

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why? and how? what happens to you when you feel uncomfortable with the crowd? what do you feel? and why do you feel like that? in my situation i was like i dunno what to do i feel like im totally lost in the crowd etc. i just wanna go away and all.. i feel like i cant mingle and stuff.. what about you? does it happen to you too??




  1. I know exactly what you mean. I dont go out unless its for work or food shopping. I dont have any friends, more 'aquaintences'. i never know what to say, cant talk, if i do its quiet and stuttered. its like i dont know how to be around people. i can talk to a computer, typing is easier. nothing is expected of you and you dont have to worry about how others percieve you.  its lonely but i dont know how to be any other way.

  2. same here...i just want to run feel like people are closing in on me or standing to close.i feel like i cant breathe and everybody is looking at's a horrible feeling! I'm soon to be 29 and i hate people!!! sad but true...i hate to be around so many at a time...

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