
I hve just got a new website up and running could you look and see what you think?

by  |  earlier

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I have just got a new website up and running and would like to get peoples opinions and feedback to display on there could you possibly submit feedback on there?

address is or




  1. In principal it looks like a good idea, but I am thinking that practically it won't work.

    The problem is say for example I want a specific type of car, what are you going to do? Look through loot and give me a load of numbers? Because I'm not going to buy if I can't see.

    I'm curious to see how it develops, good luck with it.

  2. Ur website is totally genius! you could make a lot of money with this. nobody has ever thought of this before!i cant believe nobody has.

                This is a great website that i think many people will use.(but only if people know about it!)

  3. Better with a link on your question.


  5. I'll make you a deal, i'll look at yours if you look at mine. :)

    I just checked it out and I think it's a pretty cool idea. It reminds me of a personal shopper almost.  But the one thing i didn't get right off the bat from checking out the site was that you will find me anything and everything. That should be more promimnent. Because that's a pretty cool idea.

    Also, the pages seem a bit empty.  Like there's too much white space. it just does't look super spiffy if you know what i mean. and lastly, you need to include a TITLE in the HEAD command. right now it just says "HOME".

    Ok. now look at mine:

  6. Nice layout, catchy graphics,

    might use it, and see what happens.

    I was visitor 163.

  7. very professional looking. make sure its added to the popular search engines. good luck

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