
I i don't care the out come i want to be balemic or anorexic.i weigh 148 pounds and i work out and eat right?

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i wanted to lose weight this summer but instead i gained i used to weigh 138 and now i weigh 148. school starts on monday august 25 , 2007. i call my self fat but i now im really not that much but when i look in the mirrow i dont like the way i look. i was in almost every sport at school. and this year im gonna be in basket ball, track, rag ball, and softball or baseball. and yes im a girl. so i need to know how long it takes for me to start lossing weight when i start because i dont want stuff like me fainting or looseing hair to happen to me.




  1. you sound like a very athletic type, chances are you will not be of a low weight. muscle weighs more than fat therefore the scale can be misleading in that way. a muscular female of the same height will weigh more than someone who does not have any muscle mass, do not be so concerned with the numbers on the scale, if you plan on maintaining an active athletic lifestyle being fit is your best plan.  

  2. You WANT to be anorexic? No, I bet you don't. Anorexia is a very vicious disease that the people who have it, wish they didn't.

    If you are actually eating right and excercising, you could of gained muscle. You could be retaining water. After you wake up and use the bathroom (Don't eat yet) weight yourself, and that's your actual weight. Throughout the day depending on how much you eat/drink, you weight can fluctuate by even 5 or more pounds.

    You're 148, without a height, that can be stick thin or it can be overweight. Use this BMI calculator too see where you're at. If you're muscular, it could be inaccurate, so it's not 100% accurate it's just roughly what you'd be.

    You're bmi could be something like 28 and you could still be/look like a normal weight, depending on your build and how much muscle you have.

    Oh and just to let you know, I am speaking for myself and the good majority of men..we don't like women who look anorexic. We like women who are healthy, not fat and not skinny. Most men like them in the healthy weight range (which is 18.5-24.9 bmi) I myself like them with a little meat. Pretend 1= anorexic 5= normal weight and 10= sumo wrestler, I like them a 6.

  3. anorexia will cause fainting and loosing hair.

    i was anorexic.

    do you want to be too?

    no you ******* dont. its not worth it.

    it rules your life. all you can think about is food and how ugly you are. you will lose your family, your sports, and your friends.

    mucsle weighs more than fat. i am sure you look fine.

    just keep playing sports and eating right.

  4. dont do it in the end you will gain more wait then u lose when you r all done  

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