
I im in a train going at 100 mph and i walk the same direction at 4 mph does this mean im travling at 104 mph?

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I im in a train going at 100 mph and i walk the same direction at 4 mph does this mean im travling at 104 mph?




  1. No.

  2. yes

  3. if you are on a train that is going 100mph and you walk up the coridors at 4mph  then you need to take into concideration if your  traveling with or against the rotation of the earth. as you need to add or subtract the speed the earth rotates at to get a true speed.

  4. No!! if you walk backwards on the same train are you then travelling at 96 mph???

  5. Yes, if you are walking inside the train while it is traveling.  Problem is - where can you find a 4 mile long train?

  6. Basically yes

  7. it depends, on what U use as Ur reference point, speed is all relative, from a point on the train Ur travelling at 4 mph, for a point on the track Ur travelling at 104mph, and from a train doing 100mph in the opposite direction Ur relative speed is 204mph.

    it all depends oh what U use as a reference point

  8. sure, like you jump up in the air in an airplane and come down in the back of the plane

  9. Relative to the outside world, if somebody watched you from the road through the trains window then you would appear to be going 104mph.

    Relative to the inside of the train and its passengers you would only be going at 4mph.

  10. Relative to the surface of the earth, yes. The train is moving you at 100mph, and you are moving forward in it at 4 miles per hour.. But its all relative; the train is moving you, and you are inside it...

  11. 100% certain... yes... you are traveling relative to the earth at 104 mph ... watch out for the camera's lol

  12. actually ... if you want to go 104 you must walk in the OTHER direction to get 100 MPH train PLUS 4 MPH walking to equal 104...

  13. No you Dumbass

  14. In relation to the ground yes,as you would find out if you stepped out the back of the train !

  15. No, you are still travelling at the speed at which you are being conveyed by the train.

  16. i think the answer is still 100 miles per hour to be 104 you would be infront of train.

  17. yes; but not for very long.

  18. sure, where are ya going?

  19. no you are travelling at 4mph speed is relevent to your surroundings

  20. Actually if u wanna be really technical.. You're actually travelling 50,104 m.p.h... ! If u take into account that the earth spins at 50,000 m.p.h... Bet that got you thinking!

  21. die hard 2 is on,  i'll work it out later

  22. if you are walking in the same direction as the train is travelling you are travelling at 104 with respect to the surface of the earth , but like the other question you posted the only thing that is supposed to be absolute is the speed of light, everything else is relative, which is why he called in them the general and special theories of relativity

  23. Wow, the answers are all over the place on this one.

    It is the same difference as with aircraft when speaking of air speed, verses ground speed.

    If walking at 4 MPH in the train you are riding, in the same dirsction of travel, YOU are moving at 4 MPH.

    The train itself is moving 100 MPH.

    Your speed, relative to the ground, will be 104 MPH,

    If walking in the opposite direction of travel, your ground speed will be 96 MPH.

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