
I imigrated to Aust on my Parents Passport in 1966,does anyone know how long you have to be here to get citize

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Does anyone know how long you have to be here to be automatically naturalized




  1. you are the one who has to ask to become a citizen of Australia,it is not automatic.

    Residence requirement

    People who became permanent residents on or after 1 July 2007 must have been lawfully resident in Australia for 4 years immediately before applying including:

    12 months as a permanent resident


    absences from Australia of no more than 12 months, including no more than 3 months in the 12 months before applying.

    If people became permanent residents before 1 July 2007 and apply before 30 June 2010, they must have been physically present in Australia as a permanent resident for a total of 2 years in the 5 years before applying, including 1 year in the 2 years before applying.

    Note: Periods of lawful residence cannot include a period of confinement in a prison or psychiatric institution by order of a court made in connection with proceedings for an offence against an Australian law except in limited circumstances.

    read this article it contains all you need to know at this page :

    Note: The Government has announced its intention to introduce citizenship testing for most citizenship applicants, and it is possible that testing will commence as early as 17 September 2007. The application fee for people who are required to sit a test will be $240. However, if you are required to successfully complete a test to be eligible for citizenship, and reapply for citizenship within three (3) months of the date on which you become residentially qualified, your application fee will be $120 rather than $240.

    at this page for the rest of information:

  2. seek your right's through legal aid, ask them for the phone number for an right's group called RAILS in brisbane, a free advice solicitor will look in to you questions and right's . this seems to be a very popular situation in australia, good luck!

  3. you still must apply for citizenship, its not automatic, its normally 2yrs after you have got residency, but in your case ,you automaticaly apply for citiz

  4. Unless you're a New Zealander beforehand you're not Australian (this is because the New Zealanders that came over up until the late 60's could do so under immigration law and automatically be Australian if they stayed in the country for six months, I can't remember which year it ended though).

    If you're not a Kiwi then you definately need to apply as there is no such thing as Automatic Naturalization with the Australians with everyone else. Do you remember Robert Jovovic (the French born Serbian who came to Australia when he was 2 and got kicked out of Australia because he commited a string of bulgaries and did drugs)? Basically it seems like this is the situation you're in unless you have Permanent Residence.

    5 years legally in the country and you should be able to apply for citizenship.

  5. No one gets automatically naturalised. You have to apply and I think it is 3 years now so you should be well and truly fine.


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