
I injured my back at work & I missed 3 shifts due to pain....?

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I had pulled open a drawer to this cart, was bending over it and heard a SNAP! or a POP! Then I had severe pain in the left side of my lower back, right next to my spine. I went down (I felt extremely dizzy and nauseated) onto my knees, then I slowly made it over to my butt. I pushed myself up with my arms to keep the weight off my spine. I could barely move due to the severe pain. My coworkers called 911 and I was quickly treated at the hospital and released. As a result, I missed 3 shifts, (this happened on a saturday night shift) Monday- day shift, tuesday night shift, and wednesday day shift. I was able to return to work friday, but i was still pretty sore. I didn't have many sick days I could take.

Am I elegible for any workmans compensation? I'm not interested in getting free money, I just want to be paid for those 3 shifts that I missed although it wasn't my fault.

nothing like this has ever happened before, I haven't had any injuries or illnesses (other than occasional cold/ flu, etc).




  1. Yes, you are available, but many companies have a time limit you are supposed to report this during - usually very quickly, so if you want to file as soon as possible.

    HOWEVER, let me warn you, I did this and I had to go to the workman's comp doctor - I had to go 3 times a week and to physical therapy as well.  I missed much more work due to the doctor and physical therapist than I would have during the shifts I missed.  And you aren't compensated for that time, but your boss does have to let you off for it.  

    It would be a much bigger hassle to try to get the shifts paid for than it will be worth, you have to jump through so many hoops it's ridiculous, plus the doctors I met were a joke!

  2. You should be able to file for workmans comp, they will pay your hospital/medical bills and missed pay if your claim is approved. Yours sounds like it should be since you had witnesses.

  3. Yes. Make sure you fill out an incident report ASAP! If you are injured on the job, you are covered.

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