
I injured my big toe! HELP PLEASE!?

by Guest64997  |  earlier

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A table fell on my big toe, the entire toe nail is purple and bound to fall off. I went to the hospital and they gave me a boot, hairline fracture on the tip was diagnoses.

I'll live but I'm frightened about the toe nail falling off. Has anyone ever had that happen? How long does it take to grow back? Is It constant pain?




  1. Once the toe nail falls off, it doesn't take no time for the other one to start growing back. But it does take some time for it to grow back all the way. Around 6 weeks or so. Keep area cleaned well! My ex would put a band-aid on it when wearing shoes.To keep from pulling off or picking things. Theirs no pain though, when growing back. You can look on this web site and see you can understand it more.

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