
I it possible to hack through a mac address?

by  |  earlier

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Someone has been connected to my wireless network (and it has security!!), i have figured a way to stop them from going on my internet, but i would like to be able to hack them through there mac address (because of the hassle they gave me). Im asking about hacking the mac address because in the devices that were connected there was only its local host ip address and the mac address.

Now please dont post me an answer if your just going to slate me for asking, i am not interested in what you have to say if you are just going to give me bad advice, so please dont!

But thanks to everyone who tries to helps me.




  1. you are using wpa , wpa is very strong, unless

    you used a easy password like in the dictionary. Now it must be a computer in the house , or first

    off how do you know someone hacked your wifi,

    if you wanna hack them you are going to need to use linux , windows just doesnt have many things,

    lookup backtrack 3 final google and you can boot the burnt live cd and do whatever, by the way you cant hack a mac address only spoof it, like with Tmac in wondows and in linux macchanger.

    if someone hacked your wpa your password must be weak, make a random strong password and make sure its wpa and not wep. With what you wanna do you should start experimenting with

    linux distros , the best one is ubuntu 8.04  you can dual boot it with windows if you download wubi 8.04 and it will do all the work for you and with package manager you can get hacking tools, but also check if your wifi card can support injection and monitor mode to attack whoever you want to , but most likely if this guy hacked your  wpa  key ,  you wont be able to do anything to him, he's prolly a linux guru.

  2. A mac is just your cards id like a finger print ,they probly just cracked your wep ,it takes only minutes.Change your wep to wpa or better yet to wpa 2 ,wpa 2 takes forever to crack they will give up and try another wifi with for hacking try backtrack 3 its free.As for the guy on your wifi it was probly a neighbor trying to get free internet look for geeky pc

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