
I joined volley ball but i am not very good how can I empress the team.?

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i am a freshman and the team is new and i wanted to try a new sport. I have only played it in gym and frankly i wasn't very good but i liked it alot. Have any advice to get better before i embarress my self infront of my classmates?




  1. pracite and play like a very good teammate

  2. Do a stretch warm up and weight training program to gain flexibility and strength. Tell your Captain that you love the game and need to learn good basic skill techniques to build on. She will appreciate your honesty and place you where you can learn with the least compromise for the team success and the most positive experience for you.

  3. save the environment


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  4. frankly it does matter who you have to impress.

    you said right in you question you wanted to try a new sport.

    As long as your having fun.

    plus if you keep at it you will improve.  just remember u can only improve.

    Volley ball is all about hand work, practice  on a wall your volleys, and bumps. that is basicly all volley ball is. sure you could try and make the big play and spike it but if you miss thats how you embarress your self.

    Just do the little things witch means no spike and all those fancey moves. Just work on getting the ball over the net.

    talk to your coach, the coaches job is to watch the players so she or he should know what you have to improve on. But if they do not know ask them to watch you next game or practice  {game perfrably}  to see what you can improve on.

    All sported volly ball in clued is mental too. when you do not have the ball focess on what your going to do when you do get it. look around at you player set up and see who is open. and to not go out of position to make a play!! ( slide across the court to get the ball.)

    The point of volley ball is to get the ball over the net and on to the other side:) so that what you should to.

    remember if you get desperate you and always punch the ball over.( dont wined up tho just a nice like punch, you do not want to hurt the ball.:) )

    so just practice the easy stuff bumps and volleys and stay in position and do not try to make the big play and finally grab a pen and papper and write the improtan this that i just said and say them over in you head befor a game and practice. yes do it befor practice it will stay in you head so you can remember what you should and have to work on :)

    Good luck

    P.S. volley balls fun if get strest out if you are strested out because of it and your not having fun quiet.

  5. Just have fun and try your best don't care about what others think. If you want to learn how to play, practice hard and read about the sport. Watch others and if you keep trying you can get good at it.

  6. Practice, practice, oh did i mention practice. You can start off not-so great but you can work yourself up to one of the best. Don't slack and keep practicing. Everyday after school practice, with someone or alone. Learn drills and do them over and over.

  7. practive and work hard!!!!

  8. have fun with it but be loud and call for the ball the worst thing in volleyball is a shrinking violet wether or not your a star

  9. Let me just say that I have first-hand experience with this. When I first started playing volleyball I was the worst server on the team and frankly had very little skill at the sport. By the time my freshman season was over I had won the "Most Improved Award" and it was all because I kept a positvie attitude and worked hard. I am now on the varsity team and it's all because I worked hard and never gave up. Trust me, coaches notice when you give it your all and work your hardest, regardless of if you have the most skill on the team. Attitude really is everything. Good Luck!

  10. Volleyball is a difficult sport, but it's easy once you get the gist of it. You could get a couple of friends and just start peppering at first. They won't make fun of you if they are just starting too. Peppering is simply bump, set, spike, at eachother. It also helps you warm-up.

    To practice, you could just bump the ball up and pass it to yourself, or perhaps bump it off the wall. For setting, do the same. Many setters set to themselves off a wall. Both close and far distances. Spiking is more difficult. At first I would work more on a serve. Just throw the ball in the air and hit it straight. That's pretty much how you serve. Spiking is kind of like that, but you have to snap you wrist and swing your arm all the way through.

    Get some kneepads, you'll need them. I have a practice pair and a game pair. In games, you are forced to dive for some balls. Be careful, don't throw your body on the ground like a belly flop. Do it more penguin/seal style. Glide on you stomach, it'll hurt a heck of a lot less.

    Don't worry too much about it. You're just a freshman. When I was a freshman 2 years ago, a lot of my friends barely knew how to play the game. Good Luck!

  11. I am only in 4th grade, but i use to suck................but............find a place on th side of your house........brick works best. A nd serve it and it boundes backwards, forwards, high, low, left, right. and keep going, just like a game. I LOVE IT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you keep practicing you can aim and hit what you want or serve and make it in a basketball goal. then you know yoyu have occomplished it. it feels great to be able to do that. E-mail me at .thanks, bye

  12. practice

    show that your giving 100% regardless how bad it is

    at least then they know your making an effort

  13. Honestly you do not have to impress anyone. All you have to do is believe in yourself and just keep practicing. Practice makes Perfect! Now I'm not saying i't going to be easy but if u dedicate time and effort believe me you will see the difference not only physically but mentally because you'll feel so much better. Also enjoy the sport, have fun and last but not least BELIEVE.

  14. you don't have to empress them. just do your best and practice at it. Have fun!!! Do you have friends in the team? If not, try and make some. Get into team spirit! Make up some chants!:)

  15. practice, be fun, try your best, have fun, don't quit

  16. Just work as hard as you can!  Cheer on the whole team not just people you like!  The coach will definatly notice that leader in you compared to the people who just want to win! DON'T GIVE UP! Also be flexible by that I mean practice every position on the court not just the one you like!

  17. relax first of all. dont let things bother you and try to take your coaches comments ina positive for playing THE BIGGEST thing is remember to square your shoulders to the ball when receiving it. wheather it be first ball over or as a pass back from another player. also keep squatted, it sounds funny but like your sitting on a toilet. my coach used to tell us that and it helped bery much. also stay on the balls of your feet not on your heels it will give you that extra second to respond. keep in mind that u need to develop in a way which u r comfortable. the general things are the same but u may need to tweek them to work for you  good luck

  18. practise,practise,practise

  19. I'm a 7th grader, and I was never athletic before junior high school.  But during fall season, there was girls volleyball, so I decided to join.  I barely made it on the team, and I think I might have been the worst player there.  At first, I considered quitting.  But luckily, by the end of the season I realized I really had improved.

    Back to your question: there's probably going to be somebody who's in the same situation as you.  So I guess all i can say is to practice. I know it sounds corny, but it works.

  20. just try your best every single time......a freshman team is hard to get on but if you practice and try your best you probably get on!!

  21. I'm freshman to and love to play volleyball but I'm not that good either I would say to go to a volleyball camp or paratice over and over agoin till you get better at it. Good Luck I know you can do it!

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