
I jumped from my fathers roof trying to get down.I broke both feet and had surgury.?

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I lost my job over it and will be out for several more months.It was my fault, I did a stupid thing.I live with my father.I don,t have any med insurance now, and need therapy.Can I get money from his homeowners policy ? Thanks, Gary.




  1. No, it will not pay.  You are a member of the household.

  2. Sorry, nope. You have no coverage as a resident of that household.

  3. Well the first question that needs to be asked, and which some responders are assuming without asking, is: are you a member of your father's household (i.e. do you live at your father's house?)? If yes, then no your father's Homeowner's policy will not cover claims made by members of the household. If you are not then you will have to sue your father in court as ther is no way any insurer would admit liability unless there was a lawsuit. Therefore you better be prepared to show how your father was negligent in a court, and seeing how you just admitted it was your fault in the question then I doubt you would be able to.

  4. wow... um thats new. You cant get homeowners insurance money for obious reasons. If your in a labor union you can get money from that. You can sue IF it wasn't your fault.

  5. Insurance does not usually cover intentional acts.  You said it was your fault.  So why would your dad (and his insurance) be liable (ie, what did he do that was negligent)?

    We used to jump off of the eve of our garage roof when kids, but not the house.

  6. Since you live with your father, his policy would not pick up since you are a member of the household.  Med Pay is for the general public, so that won't work either.

  7. What an idiot.

  8. Others have already answered don't have any med pay coverage as a resident of the household. should read the questions more carefully before you start blasting other people. The asker clearly wrote, "I live with my father."

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