
I just CANT trust anyone because of when I was little?

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A grown-up did something bad to me when I was little, and I never ever told anyone. Now I'm 14 and I've kept it bottled up inside, and now I just CAN'T trust people. Even my very closest, best friends I can't really open up to because I always am paranoid that they'll spread my secrets. I can't trust my parents because they didnt protect me when I needed them- I JUST CANT FLIPPING TRUST. How can I open up and have faith in people? I'm too young to be so guarded, I want to be carefree like my friends. I can't keep things in any longer!

Love Haleigh<3




  1. I&#039;m really sorry that happened. You might have heard it before, but talking to a counselor or social worker at school might help. I know this brings up the trust issue again, but you don&#039;t have to go there to talk about what happened when you were younger. Just say you&#039;d like to talk to somebody, about life in general, and see how it goes. They won&#039;t pressure you to open up about anything before you&#039;re ready to. If you feel comfortable, then, if you want, you can gradually start to talk about what&#039;s really on your mind. It&#039;s 100 percent confidential, they are not legally allowed to tell your parents anything.

    It&#039;s just an idea, don&#039;t do anything you&#039;re not comfortable with. Good luck, though.

  2. It would help to tell people

    If you don&#039;t feel comfortable telling people, feel free to tell me

    e-mail at any time, it&#039;s okay!

    it&#039;s safe telling here, we don&#039;t know you and we&#039;ll be able to help you more


  3. My wife and I were both abused as children. That is what probably brought us together. We have found, as adults, that not trusting anyone is a good way to stay safe, stay alive. Most people who you make friends with, as we have found over the years, will &quot;attack&quot; you (usually verbally) for reasons such as having a bad day, etc. Does not give them the right to talk that way to you. But they will, and they do...

    To RELEASE the tension internally of &quot;always having the shields up&quot;, we do DAILY stretching, daily weightlifting, daily aerobics. Also makes us physically STRONGER. And with time, we learned to control our emotions to where few bad things and bad people are able to further bother or hurt us.  

  4. I cant either, although I was verbally abused, pretty habitual thing...I&#039;m starting to get to where I can though....12 years later _-_

  5. Alright I can&#039;t do much to help you if I don&#039;t know what the problem is why can you not trust people??

  6. So why are you telling us?

    Shouldn&#039;t you be telling

    someone who can actually help you?


  7. you should talk to a counselor at your school.

  8. Maybe you should try seeking professional help so you can confront your issues and find healthy ways to deal with them

  9. speak to a therapist or a guidance councilor

  10. That has happened to me but I told someone and the person got in trouble. I never told anyone else after that because it was just not something I ever wanted people to know about me. I trust my friends but I don&#039;t trust guys. Maybe you should tell someone or talk to your best friend. I recently only told one person and that was my best friend and it has helped. Don&#039;t feel ashamed becasue your not the only one that this has happened to you.

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