
I just adopted 2 cats and I was curious to know if they will soon get a long with my boxer? Please Help! Thx

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I just adopted 2 cats and I ready want them to get along exist with my boxer, but I really don't know what to do all my cats in the past have gotten along with my dogs. Any help would be much appreciated!!! Thanks in advance. Also This will be there first night in there new home...8/8/08 is when I brought them home. Thanks so much for you help!




  1. Yes they will get along!  Hopefully the cats you are adopting have not had negative experience with dogs and vice verse.  To start with when you bring the cats home let them first check out their new surroundings room by room.  You don't want to overwhelm them. If you have a large house keep bedroom and bathroom doors shut. Have your boxer separate during the "assimilation period" (adjusting to their new surroundings). When they seem fairly relaxed have your pooch on a leash, or restrained by hand if being on a leash makes him think he's going outside and therefore more excitable.  Let them sniff each other out,  I found it better for the cat to have the 'high ground' on a couch or table. otherwise they might feel cornered. Seeing that you have had cats in the past you will be able to get a good sense on how the initial meeting is going,  If it is mostly sniffing and a little growling and mild hissing that is to be expected.  If your dog bears teeth and you need to restrain him from attacking then separate them immediately, best thing is by putting the cats in their own room. You don't want to punish the dog because he is only acting to protect his space.  I think you have enough experience with animals to feel out the situation.  Good luck!!

  2. I suggest you introduce them from a central and controllable space like a bathroom. Let the dog smell their cages/carriers and have his initial reaction.

    If we are already passed that stage then the next thing to do is allow the animals to get used to each other. If your boxer has accepted cats in the past then you can breathe a little easier.

    If the boxer has NOT allowed other cats in your home you have a greater challenge. Perhaps you can play with all of them together with a toy that they all like so they can work out their differences with a toy or two?

    But no matter what anyone on YA! says there will be a rocky period of introduction. Here's hoping they all make it through in one piece and congratulations on rescuing the kitties!

  3. usually u have to bring the cats up and just see what happens and dont favor them so the dog wont get jealous cuz animals have emotions like humans also, it also depends if ur boxer is older he might be a little more accepting...good luck

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