
I just adopted a dog, and only have 90 days left in my apartment lease, to tell or not to tell?

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should I say something or keep it under wraps.

very quiet, well trained, house trained smaller dog.....




  1. I got my first puppy about a week before I moved out of an appt, and the landlord knew. She didn't care because she knew I was moving! I told her. You may need to have someone take him/her for a month or two.

    ADD- well, she did care, but I mean she didn't make me get rid of my little shih tzu puppy. She was mad, but there was nothing she could really do. It was only one week though!

  2. I think it all depends on your lease, and where you plan to go afterwards.  If your apartment complex allows pets, but for a fee, then I would be honest and tell your landlord.  You'll probably have to pay a deposit, that may not be refundable, and a monthly fee, but it will be well worth it.  If they do not, and you are planning to move in with someone, or do not need a letter of reference, then I would hide it.  But be could be looking at an eviction if they find out.  If you go that route, make sure you have a back-up that can take the dog for awhile, or antoher place to live.

  3. i agree with the first person just keep it quiet, if they ask then tell them but if its a well behaved dog, then you should be good.

    lol no they would definitely not give you money, they dont care whats going on in your life they dont just give money, they take it.

  4. I would tell and maybe offer compionsation {money} for allowing oyu to keep yopur new dont want your landlord to be po and ruin it for any future apaprments...good luck!!!...Krisitn kspomeranians

  5. Are you allowed to have dogs in your apartment?  If you're not, you've put yourself in a sticky situation.  Some people will tattle on you just because they can (this happened in my apartment complex when someone watched a friend's dog there for three days -- and he was a quiet dog too!).  If you choose to hide it in this situation, you could be possibly facing eviction or having to get rid of the dog.

    If you're allowed to, then I would tell the landlord.  Since you're leaving soon maybe they won't make you pay a pet deposit...or if they do, then I guess that's just part of the expense of owning a dog!

  6. To be safe, you should tell your landlord.  You may need a reference to move into the next place you want to move and being on your landlord's good side will certainly help in such a situation.

  7. You should tell.  Honesty is the best way.  If your landowner found out and saw your dog....

  8. b honest dont keep it a secret it says in the bible if u hav to keep it a secret dont do it!!!!!!!!!

  9. I'd keep it under wraps. Give it a week "trial period" where it's a "friend's dog". If it's going to be an issue, report it.  

  10. i'm sure others will disagree, but if it were me i would just hide it, especially if it is a small quiet dog. i mean its only 90 days. and if anyone asks or they find out that there is a dog in the apartment, say your dog sitting for a friend for a few days while they are out of town or something. thats what i would do.

  11. Hide it.  And make sure your neighbors won't tell on you.  But if they find out say your friend had to go out of town for a funeral or something like that and you had to watch him.  And that you didn't think it was going to be such a big deal.  

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