
I just adopted an 18 month old Husky and she is nipping other dogs on the hind quarters? How do I discourage?

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She is extremely good with people including my young son. She only does this when she is chasing other dogs. My Malamute/Border Collie goes after the heels of other dogs but does not actually touch them (which is of course common with a herding dog).




  1. Let the dogs settle it amongst themselves. If you really want to do something, you could whap it lightly on the head every time it bites, but it's not like you can stand over them every second.

  2. I guess I'm curious as to why it is a problem...

    Siberians play rough. It is a trait of the breed. They tackle, they grab necks, shoulders, tails -- any part that presents itself. This is likely in part due to their high prey drive; if something runs, they chase and grab.

    It is going to be very difficult to discourage something that is second nature. If you're going to own a Siberian, you need to accept their quirks. This is one of them.

    There are more! I hope you read up on the breed before you made the decision to adopt her.

    Maybe I'm just used to it, but if she isn't causing harm, where's the problem?

  3. you picked a breed who lives to demand authority. When threatened, dogs can use aggression to defend themselves. every dog chooses his own course of action,and weigh their chances of success. your dog knows its family, and understands his role in your "pack"-- but to your puppy, other dogs is another play ground. he wants to dominate every dog, him nibbling the back legs, is showing whatever dog is up against yours, is submissive, letting your dog get away from the front of others dogs,  and managing to bite him from behind, is dirty. you need to teach your doggie that bitting is wrong, unless its done is a agreed play time. your doggie is young, and does not understand how strong his jaw is. you need to correct him everytime you encounter another dog,  your pup will learn, and understand what you expect from them, right now hes does not think you disagree with his "hello"-- but you od, and tell him no, then give him a treat for evertime he listens to you.he will pick up fast what you expect. good luck

  4. this may sound disturbing if it goes to far you to have to bite her ear it works mostly with huskys  

  5. Keep her on a leash until she stops for one.

    Now to correct the behavior she needs to be calm around other dogs first so on the leash anytime she shows signs of being excited make her lay down.  If you have a dog park around this can be really helpful.  Keep her down until she is relaxed and not paying much attention to the other dogs.

    Then get her up and walk around the dogs anytime she goes for their heels or goes after them down again until she relaxes then up again.

    You need to be calm as well.  You will find the more you do this the more she will stop being so excited over the other dogs.

    I hope I explained this well if you want more info watch the Dog Whisper this is where I learned this my dog was always wanting to go after other dogs once I used his style it stopped.

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