I am a christian individual who was raised in a faith which does not accept homosexuality as a correct way of life. I recently spoke to my bishop about my feelings in regards to other women, as I have only had on relationship that lasted more than a few weeks, and it was with another woman. He told me I am not g*y, that I transgressed and committed the sin of having relations with another woman, and that I have opened myself up to allow Satan to pull me further into the sin. He thinks if I do as the church requres of me, eventually I'll be "normal" and be married and all that other great stuff.
I was abused as a child, and raped as a child and as an adult. I don't trust men, I have always been more drawn to women emotionally. I have had a few boyfriends, but those relationships were all very superficial. How can I be sure the abuse hasn't turned me off men? (Going out and sleeping with one isn't an option to find out.) Am I g*y, or am I just really messed up because of my life experiences? At the moment, I'm really confused. Can anyone offer any advice?