
I just ate McDonalds, now what's the best way to detox?

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I just ate McDonalds, now what's the best way to detox?




  1. Your body does detox all the time, especially at night, if you give your body a 12 hr or more rest from eating and digesting.  

    If you rarely eat fast food, your body may purge you of the offending foods pretty quickly itself!  

    If you want to help it along, you can do the any of the following choices:

    Choice 1.  Make or buy one or more  fresh green drinks.  Use celery, cucumber, cilantro or parsley and other veggies of choice.  

    Choice 2.  Water fast from after dinner tonight to before dinner tomorrow night.

    Choice 3.  Take 1t - 1T chlorella or spirulina powder or 3-6 capsules.

    Choice 4.  Drink a cup of Smooth Move tea, to speed up your elimination.

    Choice 5.  Eat nothing but veggies, mostly green, raw or cooked, for the next 24 hours.

    Good luck!

  2. "Detox"? Your body eliminates toxins it encounters constantly because these are omnipresent in the environment.

    The best thing is to avoid what is unhealthy altogether. Otherwise, just let your body take its natural processes. It may take you a few days to fully digest and expel the non-nutritious parts of your meal... or you may excrete them quite quickly if your body can't digest them.

    Eat a bowl of bran flakes if you want to hurry it along.

  3. Stay out of McDonalds and all those kiddy joints.

  4. If you were a socialist you wouldn't be eating at McD's. Get some exercise and check your politics. Should work.

  5. Go to Taco Bell!

  6. Go to "Berjoska" fast food Mr. Socialist and get some "borsch and piroski". Or maybe Siberian gulag??

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