
I just ate yoghurt that expired on jun 25!!

by  |  earlier

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what do i do!? can i get seriously ill!?




  1. you'll probably be fine. sell by dates are NEVER accurate. as a precaution tell your mum or dad. but you'll probs just get tummy upset.  

  2. You'll probably just have stomach problems for a day or two.

  3. you just ate urself is saying that u have just ate yogurt then why fear.. nothing special will happen.... but some stomach disorders are expected that will increase ur confident as well as experience....Stay calm  

  4. heads up next time and check the cup before eating your stomach will probaly start hurting  

  5. lol, my boyfriend fed my son and himself yogurt older than that and I totally flipped but they were both fine! If you ate it and you didn't think it was that bad you will be okay. Yogurt and milk can keep longer than the date anyways.  

  6. holy crapppp......didnt it look weird and taste bad!? your stomachs probably gonna end up hurting you and you could get diarrhea...take some pepto bismol

  7. you'll probably get a stomach ache you'll have diahrea because its a dairy product.. that's about it.

  8. I eaten sauce that expired for 3 years (didn't caught the expire date) and nothing happened to me.  

    I think you probably will be fine.  Maybe a little stomach problem.  

  9. Ive done that before and been fine, usually the expiry date is way before it actually goes off.

  10. i think your ganna have to get surgery


  11. No nothing will happen I have drank milk that was 2 months out of date.  

  12. Yes, there is a culture in milk and curd which is what its made of and can affect your bowel for quite some time, even years, I would try to get it up with some of that medicine called icapac or something like that, be very careful what you put in your mouth, some used by dates are only for precaution, but not dairy!

  13. You'll be fine, it's already spoiled when you buy it fresh, the date is for quality, but I wouldn't eat it if it smelled bad.

  14. you'll probably feel sick for a few days (cross fingers that your not) didn't it look smell taste funny??  Don't worry I've eaten mustard that was a year out of date eeew but nothing happened and I've had off milk with my cereal I took a bite of my weet bix and I spat it back out again  

  15. prepare yourself for the bathroom

  16. ewww

  17. You will be fine!  Yoghurt is off milk anyway.  It just probably wont taste as good.  

  18. eww gross sorry that u aunt giving u a good answer though u might get sick its defintly not good to eat of foods though

    oh and the person who drank milk that was 2 months out of date you r realy gross why would u do that wouldnt you have noticed

  19. lol i do not think so...tell your mom. She might give you some antibiotics just in case you get stomach ache. :)

  20.'re going to get pretty sick for a couple of days. didn't it look and taste weird?  

  21. First, you should be prepared to do some serious ignoring of the ignorant answers telling you that you will get sick. That's nonsense. Yogurt stays good - or at least marginally good - an extremely long time beyond the expiration date. If it is bad, it will stink. If it stank, it is difficult to imagine you would eat it.

    Don't worry about it. You will be fine.

  22. probably not.

    the expiry date is an estimate for shelf life. there are several different types as well. many are "sell by" dates. those are supposed to be removed from the shelves by retailers.

    then there are "used by" dates. obvious meaning, but it does not mean the product is harmful if used after that.

    if the yogurt was still sealed in its original container, it is probably good.

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