
I just became a vegan and it's great - but why do I keep getting headaches?

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I'm guessing it could be my diet. I'm going to do further research but figured I'd ask anyway. I drink soymilk and orange juice. I eat cereals, spaghetti (don't worry, I make sure that it's all vegan), some asian dinners, peanut butter sandwiches, fruits/vegetables (but probably not as many vegetables as I should), walnuts, brazillian nuts, etc. I barely eat sugar or sweets. What am I missing? Or maybe it's just because I have been watching too much TV everyday. What do you think?




  1. It's probably just the excess TV watching. I know if I sit in front of a computer screen or TV too long I get some nasty headaches and feel pretty lousy.

    Also, as others have suggested, maybe drink more water, eat more fresh fruits and veggies, and perhaps take some vitamins supplements.

  2. Hi, I don't think it's very diet-related, it's more about your general lifestyle. Here are some tips to help get rid of the headaches:

    -Make sure you're not spending too much time watching the TV, it has a dehydrating effect

    -Good hydration is important. Drink lots of water throughout the day.

    -Try to eat as much fresh fruit & vegetables as you can. They contain nutrients that boost immunity (such as beta carotene & vitamin C) and leave you less likely of developing a cold or illness

    -Maybe you feel a little run down. Try to reduce stress levels. Spend time alone to gather your thoughts, focus on the positive things in your life. Confide in a friend if something is bothering you.

    (Personally I find that headaches go away if I drink lots of water. Drink mineral water-  it's purer than tap water).

    I hope this helps & that you feel better soon!

  3. It could be the TV, but It sounds more like a food allergy to something new in your diet. Make a list of all the new stuff you have been eating and cut them out one by one to see what may be causeing it. If this doesn't help see your doctor.

  4. Are you sure your getting enough protein? When I diet and eat  more vegetables and alot less meat I get headaches that get better if I eat protein.

  5. My boyfriend started getting headaches when he became vegan and it was from too much soy, particulary soy milk . He switched to rice milk and felt much better-soy can mess with your hormones.

    Id just like to say for those who gave me  thumbs down, this was based on real life experience and if you do research on soy , what I say about soy and hormones is true. If you  are over consuming soy , you can get headaches or it could be some other dietary thing , maybe you hae an unknown food allergy.  Too much TV watching shouldnt give you alot of headaches unless you are laying down all the time, although if you are being a total couch potato, that could be it.

  6. Many factors can contribute to headaches.  Diet, stress, lack of sleep, change in vision, and other medical causes.  You may be consuming a food substance that causes this or you may be lacking a nutrient that is causing the headaches.  Other factors include television and computer use.  Chart your diet over a few days or week, if the headaches persist, start taking a product out one at a time.  

    In the meantime, make sure you get enough sleep, eat a well balanced diet, limit television and computer time.   If you are unable to pinpoint a specific cause, see your physician.

  7. It's probably because of the drastic change in your diet. Also, you might not be consuming as many calories as you think. Just try writing down what you eat everyday, and you might find the problem.

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