
I just booked a flight on hotwire im bringing my infant daughter who will be in my lap

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im wondering if they need her information or just mine because they didnt ask on hotwire i dont want to get to the airport and be delayed i looked on the website but it didnt give me that info




  1. She can't ask you herself yet, so I will ask you for her:  *Please* buy your daughter a ticket, and strap her into a carseat, instead of just holding her on your lap.  There is a reason that unrestrained lap children are referred to as "cabin missiles" in the industry lingo.  

  2. You must call the airline you are flying. Sometimes there are still fees involved (taxes) to have an infant on your lap.  I have traveled with my son who is now 2 atleast 6 times both domestic and international when he was 5 months, 10 months and 23 months old. Each time I was required to pay up to $12.00 in fees at the airport.

    The first time was on US Airways and all I had to do was call them and let them know I have an lap infant traveling with me they took his name and told me the additional fee that I could pay at check in.

    The second two times were on Air Jamaica and I did the same thing.  

    I booked both flights through on line sources and not direct with the airline but still made sure I called the airline (not the online agency) to give my son's information.

    Also, if traveling international be sure to bring a passport as they do require this. When flying domestic I did bring his birth certificate in the event there were any questions, but there were none.

    Also keep in mind that to get through security you both will still need a boarding pass so to eliminate the stress and wait at the airport it is important that you phone in the information so when you arrive for check in it is in the computer and they can mark your boarding pass + infant.

  3. You must give the information to the airline - and I'm assuming you're only flying domestically, right?  If you are flying internationally you'll need a passport and ticket (even on your lap) for a child.

    Call the airline or hotwire and clear up the matter!

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