
I just bought 1 baby gerbil and a dad gerbil.?

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I have a baby gerbil and his dad :)

The baby gerbil is about 5 inches including tail. male and hes like a orange color.

Dad gerbil is about 9 inches including tail. male and hes brownish with like black spots. :)

I love them both, what do you think of them?




  1. they sound cute

  2. Aww cute, but if the baby is too young he might hurt it so if he starts being mean to it,  separate them

  3. aw they sound cute=] just make sure the daddy isn't showing any agression to the baby=]

    answer mine?;...

  4. SO CUTE!! Aww

    Answer mine?;...

  5. How sweeet! Gerbil daddies are very good with their little ones, so I don't think you need to worry on that account. Male gerbils are actually more easygoing than females (in general). I bet they have a lot of fun together!

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