
I just bought WoW, and i wana no if i should be horde or alliance? i wanna make a mage. also wat server?

by Guest62744  |  earlier

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just got done patching, and i have no idea wat to choose lol.




  1. Well if you want to win in BG i suggest Ally but you will have to put up with annoying lil kids! Horde if u want to have fun with the exception of barrens chat and if you roll horde be sure to be troll or blood elf mage and when you reach level 10 and you get your talent trees put all talent points in Frost good for PVP and Raiding. Also since your new try going on a server that is Normal not PVP for most enjoyment and learning the game without the hassle of being Ganked.

  2. Horde is great fun... i've played both. allys are winy little kids that fight with eachother. just for your info mages are kinda complicated u might wanna start out with a warrior or a paladin. I would suggest a blood elf paladin personally for ur first char... but wether you play horde or alliance, you should make a char on the opposite for a few months to see what you really like.

  3. alliance.  if u ignore the morons talking then its actually pretty fun and easier.  i played on horde and found it much harder.  

  4. Definitely be horde, alliance ARE pretty winy and the noobs ALWAYS ask for money and crazy stuff. Mostly they don't even do quests or anything. Horde is the bad guys but of course way more intriguing. I have a Draenai mage and I have to deal with really stupid people. You should do horde, definitely better in the battlegrounds and better to work together. You get loads of help too if you need it. Hopefully it helped.

    P.S. I think the best race is either blood elf or tauren. Taurens can't be mages but they can be druids, way cooler. If you know what it really is about. :P

  5. I've played both horde and alliance and they're very similar.  People like to preach loyalties for whatever reason, but most people do in fact, have at least one of each, to try it out if nothing more.  And there's stupid people on both sides, and great people on both sides.

    As far as server choosing, I'd suggest checking out and pick a server based on the location nearest to you.  The closer the server is to you, the lower your latency (or lag) is.

  6. Horde ftw.  I tried alliance and it was bad.  Go to shattered hand a pvp realm.  its pretty good. Make sure if you do a mage, go undead or blood elf.  ud for will of the forsaken or blood elf for the mana tap.

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