
I just bought a Nikkor 70-300mm lens.....?

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I am having a blast with my brand new Nikon D80 I just got on Saturday. I have been reading books and learning tons and shooting like crazy has helped a TON. One thing I realized for shooting horses is that I needed a bigger lens (currently have a 18-135mm).

So I just bought a 70-300mm. I think it is going to be just right but now I'm looking a little deeper into it more and realized that I might have made the wrong choice. This lens does NOT have the VR feature that the more expensive 70-300 does. Is this going to be a bad, bad, bad thing? Or can I learn to live without until I cough up the extra money for the VR feature?

The 135 lens I have now does not have VR and I've been thrilled to death with my images, they're just not zoomed in enough across a riding arena.

So, is this lacking VR lens a massive mistake, should I sell it and buy the more expensive VR lens? Or is this someting a *TOTAL NOVICE* can learn to deal with?

This is my first DSLR camera.





  1. Do not let your friends touch that camera. They don't give a c**p about what you own. A D80 is a sophisticated machine.

    Get a mono-pod for it. when using a long lens such as a 300mm, you want a steady hand. Using a mono-pod will give you a steady base, plus mobility.

    The Rat

  2. VR has nothing to do with image quality. Its just a fancy doodad to get you into believing that its a must for better picture quality. I have the 70-300 and its a good lens. Your 18-135 is an excellent lens, by the way.

  3. If you have a steady hand and can keep the shutter speeds at 1/450 or faster you should get good images. A monopod would be a good investment in your case.

  4. I have that same lens, and I've even used it handheld.  When in doubt, use a tripod and it will be fine!  If you really want the VR, then save up for it and find a place that takes old lenses in trade, to give you a discount.  Meanwhile, your lens is fine!  VR is pretty new, and photographers have gone many many years without it.

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