
I just bought a home, now the basement is Flooding! Seller did not disclose on sale. What are options?

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I just purchased a 3yr old home, had it inspected by a home inspector for $450.00 came back with nothing. The house is now flooding, spoke to a local contractor and he informed me the house had flooding issues a year ago and basement was gutted and rebuilt.. Seller did not disclose this to me and now the finished basement I purchased in my home is ruined. what legal recourse do I have? thanks!




  1. Well, depending on the state laws, you can hire an attorney and sue the seller.  

    This is a legal question, not an insurance one.  Except for me to say, that flood isn't covered under a homeowners policy.

  2. check with the realtor you purchased through.  they will be able to tell you if your state has a disclosure law.  when my mom bought her house she had serious sewer problems and there was no disclosure law in her state and was stuck paying to fix the problem herself.

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