
I just bought a maltese puppy who comes from a bloodline of champs ..How does registration work?

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It's my first time owning a dog who needs to be registered.How does this work?And if I wanted to put my dog in shows how do I start to do that?I don't understand none of this....So her parents were champs and I want my dog to follow in the footsteps of that.So please if anybody knows please explain I still have to fill out the form that was given to me and turn it in.Please explain details from the beginning when you buy the animal.What do I do next?Thanks I appreciate this.




  1. your breeder, if really a shower of champs should have given you all the paper work and told you what to do to get it to the akc or ukc.

    call your breeder and ask for the paperwork.

  2. If you bought a dog from a reputable breeder, whether he comes from "bloodline of champs" or not - the breeder is the one who gives you the papers on the pup, stating the name and AKC registration of the sire and dam and filling in her part of the application.

    You send that in to the AKC to register your pup.  Any other registry is fake in the U.S.

    If the breeder did not give you such papers along with the health records of your pup, you got conned and the line about "champs" and pedigree is nonsense.

    Ask the breeder for the registration papers - that is the ONLY place you can get it from - she has to fill in the information before you can finish it and send it in.

  3. First things first mail in its registation. You can't do much with out it

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