
I just bought a motorcyle, and i'm new. Will it hurt the bike if I dont let it warm up before I ride?

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Sometimes its been sitting for a bit and its cold, and when i want to leave my freinds house I dont want to sit there for 10 min waiting for it to warm up. It is a bit jumpy when I ride it cold, and sometimes the bike makes a popping noise if i ride when its cold but it goes away after i move for a little bit. Can i just hop on and ride or do i need to wait for it to heat up?




  1. If your bike has been standing for more than 3 hours, you need to use the "choke" and then fire the engine.  It will help you to ride smoothly for about a half km. before you switch the choke off.  By that time your engine has reached the correct operating temperature.  

    When riding with a cold engine, just remember to take it easy.  Ride with a gentle throttle hand for a while.  This will make sure you don't hurt the engine.

    If you are not interested in any of the above, get yourself a bike with fuel injection.  The answer to all your woes !  Then, the onboard computer decides the fuel-air ratio & varies it continuously so you can just sit and go....smoothly at all times and climes.

  2. cat 3 m is right but you dont have to wait ten minutes just 30 seconds

  3. Any good mechaninc worth his weight will tell you that you need to warm it up before riding it.  The oil needs time to get to the top of the head where the valves are in order to keep it from getting torn up inside.  Yes, you will harm the bike if you just get on and ride away without letting it warm up.  BTW 10 mins is fine but 2 to 3 minutes will do just fine.

  4. It certainly isn't doing it any good. With ANY engine, you want to get the oil circulated before you take off on it. Let it idle for 60 seconds or so.

  5. no you dont

  6. Hi

    I would say you have answered your own question.

    Just let it warm up till it doesn't pop.

    Steve H

  7. It's better to let it warm for about 2-3 minutes but not a necessity.

  8. The answer varies. If you have a fuel injected bike, its won't hurt the bike. If the bike is carberated as some of the other posters have stated. Wait a minute or two with the bike running for all the fluids to circulate. Don't immediately ride hard (fast). Most important try different scenarios to become familiar with YOUR BIKE. As riders some times when can give an answer that isn't so general but more specific to OUR BIKE and our riding style.

  9. Yes it can hurt the bike, especialy if its an older bike. You should leve the bike idleing for at least a few when you start it cold. The idea of this is to warm up the oil so it lubricates the engine properly.

  10. if it is the first time you start it of the day, then yes. you should pull your choke on, and let it idle until either it dies, or you notice a difference in sound. then shut the choke off, and ride away. it should only take about 3 mins.

  11. it is best to let it warm up for at least 2 minutes before taking off on it ,this allows the oil to recirculate through the motor

  12. Not really, but you should let it warm up a little so you don't get throttle lag.

  13. you don't need to wait, no

    take it easy on the engine until it's up to temp though. Don't rev it to high

  14. You could always start it up and let it run while you put your helmet, jacket, and gloves on.  If you don't wear any of them, well then just let it warm up until it idles smoothly.

  15. In this regard a modern bike is just like a car: you have oil pressure within a few seconds of starting it.

    Once it idles ok you're good to go. Just ride gently for the first minute or two.

  16. Depends on the bike....

    older bikes you might need to let warm up...

    my '01 is fuel injected, so no warm up is necessary, the computer compensates for engine temperature by squirting more fuel...

    it's not as fuel efficient when it's cold, but it won't hurt the engine...

    final answer...depends on the bike....good luck...

  17. yes, when it's brand new especially... the oil needs to get circulating before you put any stress on it...

    after the break in period i really wouldn't worry about it too much.... let it run a few seconds til it starts idling normal and off you go.

  18. No, get on it and go, if it's not ready it will let you know (by dying).

  19. Yes ride the bike the second you get on it this allows the oil to circulate almost instantly but keep the revs low for at least 10 minutes into the ride also if you let it idle time after time you will eventually glaze the bore, if its a two stroke then definitly let it warm up or 2 minutes down the road you'll end up with the bike on top of you.  Look at cars aswell for example, how many people actually let their cars warm up before driving?  None you might aswell say and look at the mileage some cars last.

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