
I just bought a phone at walt mart and the caller id somethimes shows whos calling and sometimes it doesnt?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes it shows whos calling and sometimes it just reads ringing. So i dont understand why it does that. Do i need to program it or something?




  1. This is becoming an evermore common porblem. The caller ID system itself often very tempermental. Lets say for example a friend who lives in New York has a Verizon Wireless cell phone and decides to ring you in ....lets say...Detroit (AT&T services landlines there). Now when she purchased her phone she told them she did not want  the phone caller ID to read "Cellular Call", she perferred her name. Thats fine and dandy because she lives in a Verizon serviced area however AT&T flips out becuase it costs them money to display "her name". The reason being they have to recieve the data from Verizon through a complicated mesh of systems that are not built to cooperate with each other. AT&T just wants to display "New York Call" based on the area code of the number. So in the end it can end up with your or mine caller id reading ringing, error, or something else. Contact your phone company and complain if you wish, however, it will most likely end fruitlessly.

  2. first thing....check the battery!!!

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