
I just bought a sofa,my problem it smells a little bit awful,any idea what to do or deodorizer that you know?

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  1. use VANISH it cleans all the house furniture!

    or if you couldnt find that

    just spray some dettol on it!

  2. Frebreeze will only mask the oder or mix with it and make it really bad. and no a car wash isn't a good idea. Get Miracle pet cleaner deoderizer at Walmart or Petsmart  and scrub every square inch of it and saturate it heavily then set it outside to completely dry. it breaks down the enzymes and this should make a vast improvement then I put dryer sheets under the cushions afterwards..

  3. If it's really hot and dry where you are, you can TRY washing it at the car wash.  It will take about 3 days to dry.  However, the wooden frame might cause it to stain, especially on light fabrics.  This is to be reserved as a last-ditch effort.

    This method works wonderfully on car seats, since they have a metal frame.

  4. You should scream it "stop smelling this instant".  Just kidding.  I would say a product like fabreeze.  I'd go ahead and use most of the bottle, front, back, underneath, tops, bottoms, and sides of cushions.  If that doesn't work, whatever the smell is, is probably saturated throughout the sofa.  Only two options exhist for that. Professional cleaning, or buy a new sofa.  You could rent an ozone machine from a company like servicemaster, or a similar cleaning/restoration company.

    And that isn't a third option,FYI, I meant it as part of the 1st option.  You can't fool me, Edna.  Hope this helps.

  5. First, get yourself a big can or a couple of small cans of baking soda.  Pay some newspapers around the base of the couch and start sprinkling the soda on the couch covering all the area.  Make sure you don't have any windows open or drafts.  Let the soda side for an hour or more.

    Then take your vacuum cleaner and vacuum it down really well.  The soda doesn't stick and it the best natural disinfectant and odor remover ever.

    You can also do this on your bed mattress to freshen it up, unless you cover it with a protective sheet.

    My couch is a 5 piece set, each seat separate.  You join them to form various couch arrangements.  I take each piece out onto the balcony once a week to let it air out and get the sun to work it's freshening magic.  If you have the ability to do this it would be great.

    You can also try washing it down with some fabric cleaning product.

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