
I just bought an item there on ebay by postal order i havent sent it yet how do i cancle the item i dnt wnt it

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I just bought an item there on ebay by postal order i havent sent it yet how do i cancle the item i dnt wnt it




  1. You cannot cancel the item , contact the user and see if he will , he has paid fees on this item and needs reimbursed for them, he is under no obligation to let you out of your contract with himself. You may get your account banned if you decide to do this/

  2. You need to contact the seller straight away, although don't expect them to be too impressed that you've changed your mind about the item.

    The seller could just null and void your bid, or you may be unlucky enough to recieve an unpaid bidder strike.

    When you win something on ebay you are contractually obliged to purchase that item, so in future, don't waste peoples time if you dont want to buy!

  3. They have absolutely NO obligation to can the purchase CONTRACT and can even take you to small claims court to enforce the CONTRACT if they so choose.

    Contact the seller immediately and then expect negative feedback.

  4. Mail the user you bought it from

  5. dude you gotta buy it that is the whole point of an auction!! you bid, if you win you pay.

      pay the guy, if you dont want it resell it on ebay!

      if you dont pay you will get negative feedback and people will not want to deal with you.

  6. I believe you have entered into a legally binding contract to buy the item & you must now do so unless the seller is willing to cancel the contract.

  7. Contact the seller 1st, but remember you have a contractual duty to pay for it if they won't cancel the order.

  8. If you don't want something, don't bid on it, non-paying bidders should be shot.

  9. Email the seller and tell him that you made a mistake, but you are obliged to carry on with the transaction. If you don't bother paying or contacting the seller you will probably end up with a negative feedback on your account which wont look good to any other buyers/sellers

  10. For a start you question makes no sence making it really hard to understand..

    But from what i do..; Mail the user and DONT BID/BUY STUFF IN THE FUTURE IF YOU DON'T WANT IT. ffs.

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