
I just bought an old computer at a garage sale and it has no usb plugins for a keyboard or mouse.?

by  |  earlier

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Whats wrong with it, and where can I get a keyboard and mouse for it?




  1. does it have the old round plugs?  you can buy adapters for old plug to usb plug, go to your local office supply store

  2. you can pop open the computer and there is an internal plug that you can load a usb port into, hope i helped

  3. Nothings wrong with it, it's just an old pc. Unless it doesn't work.

    You need to find a mouse and keyboard with a PS2 port connection, or go buy an internal USB expansion card.

    Or go buy a USB/PS2 adapter, you can find them at most computer supply stores.

  4. Oh you probably bought one with a scsi or parallel port. The only way you are going to get a keyboard is to buy an old one on ebay.

  5. have you checked the backside ? if it doesn't have go to a computer store and they'll tell you what to do

  6. old computers do not have usb slots but instead they have special sockets for the mouse and keyboard, these are no longer made, i would have a look on ebay there will be one on there.

  7. you can either get some off of ebay or buy a convertor thing from the usb to old version

  8. You probably should have looked at that before you bought it.

  9. If it has the applicable connections, besides USB, k/board and mouse have universal sockets. Usually Green and Purple. See if you can get hold of these cheap ones and use them.

  10. You have to use the older ps/2 connector keyboards/mice. Check online or at your local pc hardware retailer and ask for those. They are round and about 1.5cm in diameter.

    Its what was standard before USB came along.

  11. It's an older style computer, I'm assuming it's slots are these little circles =P yeah that's what older models have, you will need to look around or buy an adaptor, they sell little adaptors that turn those circles into USB. Good Luck


  12. Older computers use PS2 ports for keyboard and mouse. I think the keyboard is usually pink and the mouse is usually purple.

    You can easily get an adapter to use USB keyboard mouse in PS2 ports. You should also be able to get PS2 equipment online. Try NewEgg and ebay.  

  13. if its that old that there is no usb ports in it, youre out of luck, you cant use it, and daaaaang that must be one oooooold pc.

  14. you can't dumb dumb, you could try wireless though... good luck

  15. omg that's pretty sadly odd... hope you'll get the problem fixed soon..

  16. Nothing is wrong with it... It's just old.

    Go to Fryes or some other electronics store and get a PS2 keyboard and mouse. You can also find them here...

    PS2 Mouse

    PS2 Keyboard

    Or you could get a PS2 to USB adapter

  17. You can do a couple of things

    Buy adaptors for your USB stuff (ie in= usb out= green mouse purple keyboard)

    Or you can buy serial devices which have green and purple cable jacks for the back of older pcs

  18. It probably requires a PS/2 connector, a mouse/keyboard connector used back before usb.

    You can see a picture here.

    You should be able to find a usb-> PS/2 adapter very cheap on or

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