
I just bought this pull up bar, and I'm trying to work on the upper extremities (chest, arms)?

by  |  earlier

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the problem is: I CAN'T DO ONE PULL UP!!

what can i do to help lose my man b***s with a pull up bar




  1. next time, make sure you can do something on what your getting before you get it.

    you can try using dumbbells and raising them up in the air and lowering them slowly, and repeating that for a while.  or pushups.

    for me, thats what worked.

    good luck man.

    ps. try for 50 a day, and slowly work up to 75, and so on.

  2. do lots of push ups everyday untill you can do pull ups

  3. Pushups will NOT help you to pullups.  They are completely different muscle groups.

    Pushups work chest and triceps.  Pullups work back and biceps.

    Can you set the bar low?  you could have your legs on an angle on the ground, so you'd just be lifting your torso.  Or, if you have a friend you can work with have them lift some of your bodyweight.  Keep trying, once you can do 1, things will start rolling, you can do 1 pullup as often as you can, soon you'll be at 2.

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