
I just bought those guards tht hve 2 pieces 2 them, but i have no adea how to hook them together. HELP!!?

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i dont really want to go 2 the pro shop becuz theres not 1 close to me i jst bought these at a competition




  1. You mean this kind, right?

    So the way these work is that they have to be cut down to fit your blade unless you have very long feet.  Once cut down, you would attach the spring to the front half (anywhere along the guard where there's a s***w hole), then s***w in the other side of the spring in the back.  You want there to be enough tension that it stays on your skate blade, but not so small that it's hard to get it on and off.

    You're a competitive ice skater but you've never had new hard guards?  The tricky part is cutting it down.  Anyone who sharpens your skates probably has the equipment to do it.

  2. Take it to the pro shop they can do it for you in five seconds

  3. Guards come with a piece of paper that tells you what size they should be. Look on your blades until you find a number, for example mine are 9 1/2. Look at the chart that came with the guards to determine the guard length.

    Use a pen to draw on the guard where it should be cut. This should be on both guard pieces. Now the tricky part: You need to cut off the piece of guard until the line. I used a knife, it takes some time, but be careful and it should work fine. (Use a strong but small steak knife.) I'm sure there is another way but this is what I did and it works fine.

    NOTE: Each guard should have one bigger curve piece, and one smaller curve piece. You'll notice that there are two pieces of each, don't mix them up or they won't fit.

    After you cut them down to size, take out the screws and the springs that should also have come with the guard pieces. First lay your skate sideways and your two pieces of the guard to see how it fits. It should be a little shorter in length than the skate, because it is stretched to tighten over the skate and stay on. (But remember, not too tight or it will be hard to put on and take off.) Put the circle part of the spring around the s***w then put the screws in opposite directions into the holes on the guard pieces. One s***w for each hole. They don't have to be in corresponding holes but close enough so that the spring only stretches a little bit. Tighten the screws, then put the holes on the other end of the spring around the opposite s***w. Make sure they are opposite of each other.

    Make sure you did it correctly:

    The guard pieces should be firmly together. They should also be touching. You should stretch it out to put on your blade. Make sure the shorter curve goes on the toe pick at the front, while the larger curve is at the back. At this point the guard pieces should not be touching. The guard should bend with the blade and stay firmly on.

    Good luck, don't get frustrated. I thought I messed mine up at first but I fixed them and it was fine. (If you think you cut too much, don't worry, just don't cut the other guard piece and it should be fine.)

    // This is hard to explain, if you don't understand ask someone at the pro shop, a coach, or fellow skater to help you out. //

  4. well, at my rink, we buy it at the pro shop then bring it to the person who is sharpening the skates tha day, at my rink, they fix the guards for free and i takes like 5 mins.

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