
I just bought three new fish and a new tank to put them in, and two have already died. What am I doing wrong?

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The fish are small, one I won at a fair and it has outlived two of the three

new fish. I've been careful not to overfeed, kept water at room temperature, condition the water, etc. One died soon after I bought it from Petsmart, and another one died today- yesterday it wasn't eating. I know this is long, but I've spent a lot of money on these 12 cent fish. Help?




  1. try getting them from another store, at first i got mine from petsmart and they lasted around 6 hours. and this may sound weird, but in 6 hours i got way attached to my fish! and to have them die was really upsetting. look for a local, non-chain, store. that way you can get to know the people that work there and they can help you out alot. im going on having my fish for 4 months and none have died yet!


  2. Yes but if the tank is new it hasn't had time to cycle yet.Take the water down one half and put in conditioner and wash filter.Did you wash everything before you put it into tank? Are these goldfish?Sometimes you just can get a bad fish,it happens.Don't mix tropicals and gold fish together you can have one or the other,gold fish like cold water and tropicals do not,they need heat water needs to be 76 degrees at least.Other than that don't buy anymore until your tank has run at least a week.And try again.So sorry for your bad luck there.

  3. Could you gibe some more info? how big of a tank? I'm asuming your talking about goldfish here. how long have you had the tank running?  

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