
I just bought two Cockatiels, but how can i make them tame?

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so you are saying that i need to have them in seperate cages?




  1. leave them in their cage for a few days, but visit the cage area a lot and talk softly to them. After they get comfortable with you, try taking them out of their cage. In order to become sociable birds, they need to get a lot of attention. take them out of their cage a lot, and they will be friendly to you. They might not bond to you, they might bond with each other. But take them both out a little a day, and they will be totally nice towards you. Good luck!

  2. cockatiels can tame easily, check out for info on how to train them  good luck :)

  3. Depends on their age. But generally...separate them first of all. If they have eachother, they dont need you. Then, clip their wings and have really tough skin and alot of patience.

  4. YES. you definatly can. my tiko was said to be untameable. he was a vicious breeder reject that had been living at a pet store untouched with no inteaction for three years. i bought him and he had many issues like biting. he was afraid of people and nearly killed himself trying to fly away after he got his wings clipped. but all you have to do is let the birds come out on their own, and sit with them. put millet on your hand so they come close. eventually they may hop up on your arm  to get at it better, thats when you slowly stand up and reward tem for not flying down, but if they do just try again. dont chase them and if they arnt that afraid of you, you  can start the step up command. it takes time but if you dont reinforce negative behavior, they warm up to you. tiko now enjoys head scraches, and time on top of the cage while im around. hes not super cuddly but he steps up and dosent bite. dont ever think theres no hope. it may take from a week, to sevral years, but in the end its worth it. check out and click for the new bird owner. it has many answers. it sure helped me! hope the birds warm up to you :)

  5. You don't necessarily need them in 2 separate cages.

    Let the bird adjust to his new environment. Sit in front of the cage every day for at least twenty minutes and talk to the cockatiel in a low soft tone. After two or three days, let the bird come out of the cage on his own. Do not frighten the cockatiel by grabbing him.


    Offer your cockatiel some treats such as spray millet, Cheerios, nuts or other avian treats. Attempt to reach him through the bars of the cage or coax him out of the cage to eat out of your hand.


    Maintain eye contact with your cockatiel when you take him out of the cage. Place the bird on your knee, hand, fingers or arm. At the earlier stages, do not put him on your shoulder as it hinders the taming process.


    Clip the wings of your cockatiel. This will make him dependent on you to pick him up every time he leaves the cage. As a result, the cockatiel will come to trust you more quickly. At this stage, teach your cockatiel the step up command by applying a little pressure on the bird's chest with your finger. This prompts the bird to place his claws on your hand.


    Say no to your cockatiel when he tries to bite you. Over time, this command teaches the bird to refrain from biting. Make a list of things that aggravate the bird and don't do them. Win the trust of your cockatiel by being consistent in your techniques.

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