
I just broke my pinky finger. any suggestions to stop the pain?

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recently, I broke my finger open (literally, my finger was hanging off). It's in a splint, and really hurts. I'm on ibuprofen and antibiotics, but my body has an immunity to most pain medicine. any suggestions?




  1. Ouch! Sleeping pills OR alcohol, not both at the same time obviously but either one should numb the pain. Good luck!

  2. I've got the same problem, and it's a tough one to overcome.

    Avoid combining alcohol with your pain medicine, that's a recipe for disaster and a potential trip to either the hospital or the morgue.

    Honestly, the best answer I have short of crackpot "natural therapy" stuff is: music.  Get an mp3 player or stereo or whatever and load it up with the best relaxing music that you can.  Try to select music with a hypnotic beat, like gospel or trance.  It may help take your mind off the pain.

    One of the things I've learned to do is work through the pain - lie down, close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly, as if you're meditating, and try to let your mind wander despite the pain.  Eventually, you'll be able to separate yourself from it, even if it's pretty bad.  Again, music helps with this.  

    You will still be aware of the pain, it's not going to go away - it'll still be there, just "somewhere else".  However, that makes it bearable.  

    The only problem with this is that if you break your trance (by moving slightly, being startled by something, etc) the pain will come back again full force :-/  And, obviously, you can't do much of anything else at the same time.  But it's good for occasional relief, or just getting to sleep despite the pain.

    This got me through the week right after I got all four infected/impacted wisdom teeth yanked, and the painkillers they gave me did absolutely nothing for it.

    I know this isn't much, but I hope it helps.

  3. ouch...really, i felt your pain the way you described it....only thing i can suggest, if you are immune to meds, then to have a shot or two of whiskey.  really i feel for you...i bet it throbs.  possibly, put your had above your head that will slow down circulation...when you sleep.

    anyways, i hope you feel better soon.

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