
I just broke the coffee cup holder built into my PC, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I pressed the button on my lap top which opens the DC sized coffee cup holder, I stuck my small latte in, and then it's closed and the coffee has gone everywhere ... it's broken now

what can I do? take it back to the shop?




  1. That part is under guaranteed for life. Government law. Take it back with the cup still in the holder.

  2. I would take it back to the shop as it should be guaranteed.

    I had the same problem many years ago whilst toasting a sandwich in something called a " VCR "

    I dont reccomend them.

    Your sandwich takes forever to go brown.

  3. I would - its very shoddy workmanship

  4. Jam a straw in there and suck the latte out.

  5. You can buy a new coffee cup holder for about 20 quid. They're easy to fit and you can even buy multiple holders, for example if you want to hold several big cookies at once.

  6. Call up the manufacturer and DEMAND to speak to a manager about this.

    How can people complain about poverty, poor education, etc, in America, when THIS kind of injustice is allowed to go on?!

  7. You broke it  live without it  its just that simple

  8. Drink Tea?


  9. Yea! I have a similar problem with that foot pedal thingy they give you (you know, with those little buttons that you are supposed to click with your toes).

  10. Chap did that in the office the other day... check out the vid of him

  11. Fill the bathtub up with HOT water and put the laptop in to soak.  Spilled Latte's will stick everything up.  After soaking for about an hour it should be loosened up.  Hang it to dry......then take it into the shop.

  12. you can still use it - just pour your coffee granules into the USB (ultra sweet beverage) port and the computer will brew up a fresh batch and dispense it through your printer.

  13. same thing happen to me., i think we should right a petition as these companies are getting away with c**p cup holders. if they are good enough in our cars they should be good enough for our comps!

  14. Give up drinking coffee then you won't need a cup holder!

  15. go back to the coffee shop and ask for compensation

  16. Awful !! I think the company should compensate you by providing you with a hat with beer cans and a straw attached-it's the least they can do!

  17. Forget the Latte, It fits a can of beer better, it won't spill. And answering these questions is more fun drunk.

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