
I just broke up with my boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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Im 16 and been with this guy for almost 2 years we have been best friends for like 9 years anyway i really loved him but he has discovered he is g*y.We tried to lie to ourselfs for 6 months saying it was still going to work..but tonight was came to our sences..its really hard b/c hes the only boyfriend iv ever had and now im scared im not going to get another im very shy and not that pretty.But really hurts even though i knew 6 months ago it wasnt going to do i deal with this




  1. Well you just need to realize that it is over first of all. Acceptance is the key. You are eventually going to get another bf don't worry. Just believe in yourself and see the good things in life!!! Chin up girl! : )

  2. wow

    umm well you could still be really good friends....idk

  3. Well your really young and put it like this,if they cant accept you because the way you look and the way your act than o well their not good enough for you.Someone will come your way one day and think your the most beautiufliest girl out their and when that person comes than thats the one.And mabe you just need time alone and dont try to go find someone just let that person come to you.

  4. Well I hope that after being friends for so long you are still friends with him.  Keep him as a friend for support. He's a g*y guy, if he's like the stereotypical g*y guy, he's fun, and outgoing, have him help you find someone. But seriously, just put yourself out there!  You'll find someone!  Don't let this get you down, it was not YOU, people are born g*y.

    Good Luck =]

  5. Don't rush into another relationship, take some time off but be there for your friend even though it might hurt. Try to make him remember you'll always be there for him and if he ever needs someone to talk to you're there and as far as you go someone else will come around ;p

  6. holy ****

    that must suck knowing you turned some dude g*y lmao

  7. that is gonna be really hard.

    if you can still be his friend.

    and talk to some close friends or someone who will be there.

    you will have another boyfriend..

    . . . . .. . . ....

    good luck ihope things look up for uu

  8. get a s*x-change!

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