
I just brought my daughter a 15 week old kitten but she stays under the bed .

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I brought my daugter a 15 week old girl kitten but she stays under the bed and stays under the bed i had her 2 days now is she trying to get used to the house but if she see's me she runs and hides. What's wrong with her.




  1. It is common for cats to stay hidden for a few days or even a couple of weeks when they are adjusting to a new environment.    

  2. Of course your kitty needs time to adjust moving to a new place is stressing for anyone.You could try to tempt her with some treats or a toy.

  3. Dont force the cat out the new cat is scared and feels safer under the bed she will adjust but it wont be right away i mean if u were taken away one day with these strangers who are larger then u and u found a nice place where they cant reach you wouldn't you go there. Another trick is leave milk near the bed and every time she has inished the plate of milk move the plate further away and she will come out for the milk and dont always use milk use cat food wet cat food.

  4. my cat did the same thing when we brought her home. just give her a little more time to get used to all this....she is prolly just really scared and wants to find out where the heck she is with out getting hurt lol!

    just let her get used to it all then try giving her a treat when she comes out

    hope it helped

    - Crabby Girl

  5. let her stay under the bed probably she is scared.give her like a week

  6. There is nothing wrong with the cat - it is just terrified. Sort of like you being abducted by aliens. Cats are not like dogs. You can beat a dog and a short while later it will come over and l**k you. With most cats, you must earn their trust. Be patient.

    I recently adopted a 3 y/o cat. She hid for 1 month. She is now very friendly. Put the cats food, water and litter box close by where she is hiding and leave her alone. Let her adjust at her own pace.

  7. There is nothing wrong with her.  This is perfectly normal behaviour.  My first cat hid behind the fridge for a week and didn't eat.

    Just give her lots of time.  Don't try and approach her, just get on with your daily routine and let her come to you.  When she comes let her sniff you and stroke her gently, but as soon as she wants to go let her go, do not try to restrain her as this will frighten her and make her wary of you.

    If you pick her up, as soon as she struggles, let her go.  This will teach her that you are not hurting her and she is free to go whenever she wants.  She will then be much happier about being picked up for a cuddle.

    Also you never give a cat milk, unless it is cat milk.  Cows milk will make them ill.  The best thing for cats is water, I would leave a little bit of food and water by the bed.

  8. She's just not use to it all. Maybe give her like 3 more days.  

  9. Are we talking your daughter or the kitten here????

    Seriously though, I realise it's the kitten!  It's fear - you have to build up the kitten's confidence.  It's very frightened having been taken away from everything familiar and placed in an unfamiliar place on its own.

  10. let them bond for alttle and see where it goes first when i got a cat she was alttlle shy all cats do that just make sure you play with her.

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