
I just brought my rat to a 4-h show and the next day she is bitting me and my mom why is that?

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i got her about a week and a half ago at a pet store and i rescued her from a snakes dinner. i love her she is a lilac hooded. she is standing on her hind quarters, circling my hands and bitting me when ever i try to pick her up? what should my diet be?




  1. Naturally, all rodents bite. It's their first instinct whenever something unfamiliar comes. Don't worry all rodent owners go through this. Your rat has to get used to handling. Try hand feeding, putting a bit of food in your hand and leaving it in the cage. The rat might bite and nibble on your hand a bit, but then she'll go right onto your palm and start eating and you'll be able to pick her up. This might take a few tries but it works. Soon your rat will be so familiar with handling she wont fuss when you try to pick her up. Don't worry, its totally natural and I think its soo COOL that you rescued it from the snakes! =)

  2. Were there other rats at the show? If so, you could have exposed her to illness from any other sick rats.

    I can't say why she's biting now, but try squeaking at her when she bites. Tell her in her own language that it hurts.

    You didn't "rescue" her. All you did was pave the way for more rats to be snake food seeing as you gave the pet store your money.

    It's not unusual for pet store rats to be undersocialized, she may take some work. She also very much needs a same s*x friend seeing as keeping social animals like rats alone is nothing short of cruel. Maybe rescue for real this time:

    I have a page on rat diets here:

  3. The rat was probably mishandled at the 4H show.

  4. She may be sick.

  5. Hi,

    The answers are all great, it could be lots of different things. I don't know anything about rat health in relation to catching something from exposure at a show, so I'll stick with my 'win the rat's heart with food and time' point of view...

    So, you just first remember that yes you did save that rat from being snake food. That particular rat will have a life like it never would have had before and you did that so feel good about it. Sure there is still going to be a line of rats waiting to be dinner for the snake, but YOUR rat got saved from that, so hang on to that. Rats are SMART, it will learn that you are a friend.

    I remember raising rats for years when I was younger. They have sweet and very smart little personalities.  I noticed that rats who were not held from when they were babies BIT me and it hurt!! And holding some favorite tasty treat in my hand while the rat ate it would always over time make that rat just love the sight of me walking in the room.

    Since yours was going to be a food rat, try hand feeding it every day every chance you have, for weeks. I remember hearing stories of people adopting "wild" rats just by feeding them and creating a bond. That rat will learn to trust you and really like you.

    Rats are VERY smart, really super smart little guys. I saw some show on rats and their smooth brains and the guy was saying how much smarter they would be if they had wrinkles on the brain (more surface area for those smart parts to grow). I read this one news article years ago some lady had her pet rat l**k her face to wake her up because her house was on fire!

    If your rat sees people as sketchy, sure he's going to want to bite. You're huge to him and he is only as big as your hand. He's just watching out for himself. Assuming he isn't sick or anything. Go grab him some fresh veggies and greens, woo him with your food. :-)

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