
I just built my portfolio,tell me honestly how it is?

by  |  earlier

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my mother was jumping with joy,she loved it.everyone has bin bugging me to model,so i built a portfolio.heres 3 pictures,what do you think?i like your honest answers.i know a guy that grew up with my dad and hes an awesome photographer,so he refused any money from prof. photoshoot. :~)!




  1. I love the last two!

    Amazing contrast/composition. Good work. :]

  2. You should ask the opinion of a professional. I personally like it and I think you are very cute especially in the third pic YUM!

  3. Nice shots, especially the last one. You have a great look.  Best of luck!  

  4. Hey they look awsome. Your dad did a good job. Put yourself out there you should go far with your looks.  

  5. wow, you look great...

  6. Nice bro. I am confident in my looks, got a free shoot from a photog., but all I learned from the pics is that I'm not model material. Being single for as long as I have, it's hard to come to grips with the fact that you are an unwanted person.

  7. Buddy,

    You're smokin' hot.

  8. WOOT

  9. It's nice, plus ur cute! Plus the photos r professional

  10. Hello Dennis? This is the Ford Modeling Agency calling.....

    You got it bro. You've got the look of all the top male models. Go for it.

  11. Youre very handsome and I can see you working in the field.

    Be careful - its a dangerous field to get into and they dont use you for long.  If you can stay clean, you can make a bundle in five years then move on.

    Good luck

  12. You've got the look I see all over; you're hot.  Good luck with it!  I hope you make it big.

  13. wow your fit...they look reli good

  14. how come every single one of your questions you put up pictures of urself?    

  15. WOW FUC*ING WOW!!!

    What more can I say??!!

  16. Good photographer, great model. Go for it.

  17. Very nice pictures particularly the last one. Good luck on your career.

  18. ha ha a proper poser..they are very good i hope you do very well,your very photogenic

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