
I just burnt my finger???

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I just burnt my finger on my hair straightener and ive been running it under cold water what else should i do to it? and how long until it stops burning??




  1. When I burnt my figure on the oven it got really red. I put it in a bowl of cold water and it felt really good. But once you take it out it starts burning. I also have this aloe vera burn stuff that makes it feel really good. Try some aloe vera :)

    Oh and mine didnt stop burning until the next day after I went to sleep and then after that it feels like plastic.

  2. how deep is it? if its just red, just put a bandaid on it and maybe some neosporin.

    if there are blisters or if you can see white stuff or bone, go to the ER

  3. you could wrap a piece of ice in a washcloth or paper towel and hold it on your finger

  4. ok if its just red, its a 1st degree burn and it will go away in about a week, run it under cool water until it feels better, then you can wrap it in a band-aid, some gauze, or you can leave it be, what ever feels better.

    if there is a blister, it is a 2nd degree burn, a little more serious, but nothing to worry about, do the same thing as above but Keep it wrapped loosely in a bandage or whatever.

    ...and there is no way its a third degree (i can tell by your symptoms) so you dont have to go to the ER/doctor unless it looks infected...

  5. put some aloe vera gel on it it helps

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