
I just came back from Jamaica (Ocho Rios) and I met a beautiful man there and we fell in love. Is this real?

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I met one of the workers at the resort I was staying at and i am interested in keeping in touch with him and he with me. He is gorgeous. I was warned that a lot of jmaican men take up with American women so that they can become a citizen easier. I do not feel like this is the case and I really do care a great deal for him. Should i be hesitant? He suggested that we keep in touch on a daily basis and that we try and visit. I really want to be with this man...but am waondering should i take precautions? i do love and miss him...Is he taking advantage of me or just using me?




  1. that is true a lot of man are using American woman to bring them up but that's up to you if he keeps repeating about coming to American hes using you by the way a lot of Jamaican men are flirts

  2. Only time will tell, but, how would he feel if you wanted to live in Jamaica instead of moving to the US?

  3. well its hard to say. a man can act like he has the best of intentions and then in fact be using you. but you need to use your best judgement and try to read him. try to keep an open mind and don't immediately decide one way or the other. keep in contact and maybe dangle him along a little bit to see if he gives up on you right away or wants to fight to be with you. that will be a key factor. other than that all i can say is keep your eyes open and try not to be clouded by your thoughts of love for this man. good luck i hope it turns out for the best!!

  4. If you have not seen the movie "Stella Got Her Groove", do rent it.

    Jamaican men are smooth and adorable.  Easy to find a man in Jamaica.  Why ? They just have a way with women.

    Remember it takes time to fall in love...You are probably swept away by him. If its infatuation, you will know after a few trips back there.  But do not commit now.

    Write to him if you want,even visit,,,Then test him...Tell him you want to live in Jamaica...He will probably say he wants to move the the USA.

    I don't want to burst your bubble, but I hope you did not give him any money.

  5. Well if it's a known fact that J'can men usually just try to hook up with foreign woman just for the green cards then I suggest that you take things a lot slower. A long distance relationship is one good way to test the strength of a bond. Keep it long distance for a while longer, this way you would be forced to have more conversations and the physical aspect would be somewhat eliminated for now. During this period of conversing certain things would be revealed both about you and about him and you will be better able to make a less hasty decision about hooking up.

    You can't put a straight clear-cut answer on love or strong liking but only time will tell.

  6. As we know it, you only live once, so go for it. What is so wrong with traveling back a few times to help you figure it out. Worse case scenario, you go visit Jamaica a few times. Have fun with your life! Good luck!

  7. I htink you're being naive.  He probably just wanted to sleep with you and get a few free meals.  Sorry - I can tell you're a sincere person, but that's what I really believe.

  8. It could be the real thing. I met my hubbie in a far away country and we had a 1 year long-distance relationship before I moved and we got married. We both knew from the day we met that we were soulmates.

    Only you can answer that question and why don't you give it a chance? But maybe you are already so full of doubt that it might be better not to invest any time in it....or just see how far it goes...write letters, email, call each other and just see...

  9. How long have you known him?  The reality is he meets women all the time at the we can't really know how many other women he is in "love" with.  He is most likely just waiting for one of his women to sweep him off of his feet.  Be careful......people are not always what they seem.  The only way to get to know someone is spending lots of time with them over a period of time....not a week.

  10. Zip up your pockets and your koockie too!!!

  11. Well how long have u known him and if its been a short time I doubt its love. How do u know ur not the only "Foreigner" hes taken up with? Im Jamaican and I know all the tricks to the trade.. Dont be a fool girl.,.. Some of these men are "In LOVE" until they get what they need.. Dont send him money.. Dont give him ur personal Information... Only u can decide whats right for u.. But always trust that GUT FEELING!!!

  12. Of course you should be cautious...the same way you would in any new relationship.

    All over the world you can find men who lie to get what they want from women....even right next door!!  Him being Jamaican should have little to do with the level of caution you should take.

    Don't get too dazzled by this "gorgeousness" and miss signs that can be telling.  Introduce him to your friends and family and see what they think.  Often those outside of the relationship are able to see things more clearly.

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with communicating with him.  There are actually some very decent young men working at hotels and not all of them are users.

    Good luck!!

  13. You dont have any thing to loose, if he come her and left you what do you have to to loose nothing he will have to live with yo for two years before he can go any palece so be gold dider for two years and see what happen, I think he will love you jamaican men are exited about american women so you will have a good life. be happy dont worry love it what you are after so just

    be cool and you woll get ti. dont matter what the people of the world may say    hold fast and neve let go. some of these men never had a woman befoe  belive me.

  14. Yes you should be very hesitant. You haven't known him that long so to be in love after a week is really not realistic. His goal could have been to sweep you off your feet to see what he can get from you. He probably can tell you are an easy target, and very naive. Right now you do not know him so who knows what his motives are or how many others he may be playing this game with. It's good to keep in touch to get to know him and see if he is genuine but make sure he is putting as much effort into it as you are. Also be careful with your money, if he starts asking you for money or gifts that's not a good sign. Also if he comes to visit you or vice versa  make sure you aren't the one footing the bill. Love isn't something you buy.

  15. Hold your horses!!!  This man may be a perfectly wonderful man but you don't know enough about him.  First of all, not all Jamaicans wish to live in the US, so a green card may not be on his agenda. If you want to visit him in Jamaica, then that's ok. Just be sure to stay in the hotel and let your friends and family know your whereabouts. In fact, take the trip with a friend or two so that you are not alone there.  I'm suggesting safety precautions that you should practice regardless of which country you are in. The guy could be the type who gets involved with the tourists (like gigolos.) You will find those men whether you are in Jamaica, the Bahamas, Africa or anywhere in Europe. Personally, I would be wary of getting involved with people who work in the hotels. There are people coming and going every day (no pun intended.) You could be the flavor of the day and by the time you leave the island, there is another unsuspecting girl arriving on another flight to take your place. Give it a shot if you feel that strongly but go slowly.  In time, you will get to know if he's simply a hustler, or a genuine man who means you well.

  16. Is your name Stella and you're looking to get your groove back?

    No one can really say what his intentions are you just have to remember you met him at a hotel, and ask yourself how many other women met him at that same hotel and feel teh same way you do. Are you feeling kinda lonely or coming off of some kind of break up and he noticed that and said excatly what you needed to hear.

    Then again he might be sincere and this could be real, just take your time, get to know him, write him, email him do not call him and run up your phone bill, go back to visit or bring him to the US then find out he's  a scammer and you are out thousands of dollars

    Give it time to take it's course and then you'll know better, my advice is BE CAREFUL.

  17. You should keep an open mind about this.  Also are you prepared for a long distance relationship, you have not known him very long.

    Unfortunately, only time will tell if he is taking advantage of you. Many are looking for a way to get their citizenship or they start sending you lists of things you should send to them.

  18. He is probably looking for a visa... look up 'rent a rasta' or 'rent a dred'... if you went there and spent money on him and can somewhat relate to this then I would def. think twice.

    I LOVE Jamaican men but they are very good with words so be careful esp. when they know you are from the states (this makes u hot commodity).

    Don't fall too fast and don't go looking for love, it will find you.

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