
I just came out to the first person?

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Last night, errr, this morning, Wednesday, August 20, at 2:10 am, I came out to one of my closest friends. She was so accepting, and nothing has changed between us.

For discussion, when did you first come out, and to whom?

Around what age do you think is best for coming out?

I'm 15 by the way.




  1. My brother is g*y, and he came out to me first when he was 16.  Then I think that he told our parents closer to 18, but I think that they had a feeling all along.  Good luck.

  2. I am 15 just like you and havent came out yet. like i am doing i think you should wait til you are older. like 18 + so your parents cant penalize you or bug you about it. i love my parents but know they wont be able to handle it. especially my dad. i think 18 + is best. good for you! i am going to tell my bf soon. she already thought i was g*y so it will be no problem. telling a good friend whom you trust is one thing but you parents another. that is just my take on it. good luck!

  3. Yay congrats!

    Well I was 15, as sophomore. I cam out to my best friend wow I totally forgot the day and time all I remember is that I had an AP World essay due the next day so I was online until late at night. I told my best friend online and I just remember that my hands were shaking and all these scenarios were running through my head if it all went wrong. Pressing enter was one of the hardest things I have ever done... I know lame right and this is from a kid who had to escape a car that had flipped over three times. Well as the year went on she was the only person I told. The last year (Junior year) I told a few more friends. Now I am 16 a senior in high school (yay!) and 11 people know. I'm not out to everyone because some people would tell their parents who would then tell mine... sucks  I know.

    Well Congrats again doesn't it feel wonderful?

  4. I came out to my best friend at like 11pm on june 3rd, I was 15. She said we had to go pick up guy together, lol. I'm 16 now, and met someone wonderful.

  5. I came out to one of my best friends not too long ago actually. And, of course with my luck, she freaked out. But she just started talking to me again. So it's cool. I'm kinda nervous to tell more people though.

    I don't think it matters when you come out, just when you feel right. BUT, I was 15 as well.

  6. Well i came out to the girl i had a crush on and now we've been together for two years...but besides that it was my best friend and she didn't care cause she knows i had some bad experiences in the past and thought that it was good for me...i was 19.

  7. Whenever you feel comfortable with who you are and ready to tell the world that's when your ready to come out to people.  I came out to a friend at work that I only knew for a year she was catholic so I didn't really know what to expect but then I did because I had already asked her how she felt about g*y marriage she was 18 I was 17.  It couldn't have been better well actually it could've but anyway went great were still friends and were going out to eat tonight since she'll be off for college next week.

  8. I was 13 when I first came out to who is now my best friend, he came out to me 2 months later, I was the first person he came out to also.

    I don't think that there is a set/ideal age to come out, just whenever you are comfortable w/ yourself and when you accept yourself.  

  9. You should be extremely proud. That's a difficult thing to do! My friends all came out at different ages: one when he was 17 in his senior year of high school; one when he was 18 in college. There is no right age to come out and express yourself -- it's whenever you feel comfortable sharing that part of you with others. It's great to have friends that are accepting and mature; you're a lucky guy! :)

  10. I'm 16 and i just came out 2 days ago whoop high five lol errm my friends were fine about it iv only come out to 3 people though the people i think are going to be most understandable about it but im not coming out to my family iv decided lol

  11. I'm 15, too. I came out to one of my best friends probably a month to a month and a half ago. She's basically like my sister, and I trust her with everything. Nothing has changed, and she doesn't treat me any differently.

    Then, earlier this month, I came out to my best guy friend. He was really accepting of it, and nothing has really changed between us either. He doesn't treat me any differently. In fact, I can go to him for any problems that I have with girls. The only thing that is different is that now we can talk about how hot a girl is when we're together, even though I think he feels awkward about it.

    I don't think there's a good age to come out. I feel that you first have to accept yourself as bi or g*y before you can expect anyone else to. I think that you should also keep in mind that it could just be hormones or curiosity, so you shouldn't start telling people until you're sure of yourself.

  12. i was 14 and its our secret even though were not best friends anymore. well not even friends. but thats the only person id ever came out too. besides my girlfriends friends.  

  13. i was 17 when i first came out and then 19 when i came out more or less literally.

    I think all of this depends on how you were raised, where you were raised (i grew up in a small town where the views on homosexuality were very negative). It also depends on when you figure it out and how long you are in denial for.  

  14. a few weeks ago. to my best friend.  she wanted to find me someone lol then she told the rest of my friends =/ but its okay . saved me the trouble

  15. The first coming out! So thrilling! Oh my gosh, when I came out to my friend... that was so... I don't know, I was freaking out!

    I was 14, nothin' changed between us... nothin' changed between any people I came out to...

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