So for the last few nights, I haven't been able to fall asleep until around 4a.m.-5a.m. and now it's almost 5a.m., and I'm getting tired. Anyways, I will try to sleep, and for some odd reason, I'm not tired at all. And I could try turning the other way and pretend I'm sleeping but I just can't. So with that said, and me getting little sleep at night, I'm very tired during the day! And I don't nap, and then I'm wide awake at night.
Is there anything I can do to get on a normal schedule?
-Given, I'm sixteen, and I have a baby (sleeping through the night-ish), but that's never been the problem even when she didn't sleep through the night!
*I'm asking in adolecents because:
I'm an adolecent and sometimes people (younger people) have unique tricks!