
I just can't sleep! What to do?

by  |  earlier

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So for the last few nights, I haven't been able to fall asleep until around 4a.m.-5a.m. and now it's almost 5a.m., and I'm getting tired. Anyways, I will try to sleep, and for some odd reason, I'm not tired at all. And I could try turning the other way and pretend I'm sleeping but I just can't. So with that said, and me getting little sleep at night, I'm very tired during the day! And I don't nap, and then I'm wide awake at night.

Is there anything I can do to get on a normal schedule?

-Given, I'm sixteen, and I have a baby (sleeping through the night-ish), but that's never been the problem even when she didn't sleep through the night!

*I'm asking in adolecents because:

I'm an adolecent and sometimes people (younger people) have unique tricks!




  1. omg i cnt sleep either..!


    jus listen to music and think about the future lik ur baby grwing up

  2. I used to have the same problem!!!

    You need to get your 'biological clock' back to normal. Exercise if you can more in the daytime. You have a baby, maybe you could go for a walk during the day? If you are overweight, try losing some weight as it also helps you sleep better. Tire yourself out during the day. Do you have lavender near you? If you do, pick some and put it in a little small cotton bag and put it under your pillow, or else buy one, it helps you sleep. Don't have caffeine 2 - 3 hours before you go to bed. Make sure your room is dark. If theres lights on, you won't be able to sleep.

    Go to bed tonight at a reasonable hour eg 10 or 11 pm. Try reading a book or listening to music. Relaxing music is good too, anything but heavy metal etc. This is what I do with my mum, and it helps me sleep; we just go for a short walk before we go to bed up the road and back. It's calm and relaxing and helps us sleep.

    Don't take naps during the day. If you must, only for 15 minutes.

    Try taking a nice relaxing bath if you have someone to look after your baby before you go to sleep. Anything with lavender helps you sleep.

    Get up and go to sleep at the same time everyday. Don't go to bed more than 1 - 2 hours and get up 1 - 2 hours than usual.

    Stay away from alcohol and nicotine atleast 3 - 4 hours before bed.

    Make sure the room temperature is right - not too cold, not too hot.

    Don't at anything big before bed.

    When you go to bed, make sure your relaxed. Let yourself sink in and think of something happy or something you dream of. Make sure you get up early so your tired at the same time you went to bed at.

    Good luck x*x

    EDIT: Heres a website I found for you:

    Btw, sorry its long

    Good luck x*x

  3. Dont sleep all day, sleep all night.

    Drink warm milk before bed.

  4. that will happen to me for a couple of days and eventually i will fall asleep watching tv at 11 because i am so tired from the past days.

    Also try skipping a night of sleep, so basically stay up for more than 24 hours and then the next night of sleep go to bed at the time you want to and that should set your sleeping time straight.

  5. don't sleep during the day and ask your doctor about any sleeping pills you could take.

  6. dont go to sleep for a day or so then you will ujuts fall asleep. Or play the noise of the rattle thuing that you play your baby and you will fall asleep

  7. I'm 14 and when I can't sleep, I listen to music from my iPod.

    Good luck xx

  8. The best trick i use to go to sleep is...try counting down from 100 - 1 ( like 100..99..98..97) believe me..i never went beyond 50 till date..before that i would go to sleep...zzzzzzz

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