
I just cannot understand why people like wine.

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I've tried so often to appreciate the stuff, but it all tastes like feline waste product to me. Red or white, they're both the same. Some sweeter than others, that's all. I'm not sniping at wine drinkers; I would really like to join the party. What am I doing wrong?




  1. Oh my God, I adoreeee a nice glass red wine! :)

    Maybe you haven't tasted some good ones - try an 'older' one - they're the best, like 8 or 10 years old red/white wine.

  2. Same here. I'd love to enjoy wine, but cant. Sometimes white wine and lemonade is nice. I've heard that white wine and tonic is great too. Im dying to try that. :)

  3. Move on to something else, there's no sense in forcing yourself to enjoy something you clearly don't.

  4. It's just the same as that someone LIKE corned beef, others DON'T (I'm in the latter group)  

  5. im 16 and prefer wine to vodka or whisky or any other of those disguisting alcoholic drinks but i have it in moderate amounts with my parents - they have a couple of full glasses and i have a sherry glass hahah

    its an aquired taste, like some people dont like champagne, just depends what takes your fancy really

  6. A Bottle Of Barello With A Nice Rare Fillet Steak ...

    Ummm  !!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  7. oh?   you've tasted feline waste?

    really?  do explain.

  8. It probably just doesn't agree with your palate.

    As you get older your palate develops a fondness for new tastes so perhaps you'll become a wine lover one fine day :-)

    I for one used to hate olives but now I adore them, it's all a matter of time :-)

  9. Your not doing anything wrong.  You just have different taste buds.  There are so many different wines, if you really want to like it try going to a winery for a wine tasting.  Maybe you will find one that suits you :o)  Good Luck!!  

  10. It's just an acquired taste. I think a lot of people pretend to like it just to be posh. I'd rather have a can of lager any day!!!

  11. Mostly older folks have a taste for wine because over time your sense of taste changes and you learn to appreciate different flavors.  It's not to say that younger people don't have good sense of taste, rather different sense of taste.

    Developing a taste for wine is like learning to play a musical instrument.  You have to try a lot of different types of wine to find the one that fits your taste best and which foods go best with which wines for you.

    Some foods are particularly well suited to certain types of wine.  White wine goes well with fish and chicken while red wine goes well with beef because different types of wine enhance different types of food differently.

    One mistake that some unfamiliar with enjoying wine make is that they *drink* it rather than *sipping* it.  But wine is enjoyed for its flavor and its ability to enhance foods rather than to hydrate you or provide dietary nutrition.  While some beverages (milk, orange juice) are gulped down, wine should be sipped.  You don't have to get a whole mouth full each time to enjoy wine.  Just enough to wet the lips and tongue is fine.  By enjoying wine in this way, you also avoid getting intoxicated and your wine goes further.

    Also, wine doesn't have to be expensive to be tasty.  While some would argue that a $300 bottle of wine is much better, there are some very nice $20 bottles of wine.  You can get a good bargain on wine at the grocery store by looking for a $30 or $40 bottle that is slightly past its prime and has been marked down to $20 or less.

    Red wine has also been said to reduce blood pressure and improve the one's ability to appreciate music.  I like to have a little red wine an hour or so before bed because it tastes nice when I'm relaxing helps me sleep so I wake up more rested.

  12. don't worry about it you aren't doing anything wrong its just your own taste, I like white wine but not red have tried different reds but don't like any of them. Have you tried sparkling wine they taste different to still wine and can be easier to drink, sometimes a bit like lemonade.

  13. Wine is yucky..

    Verdi is ok though..  

  14. Im the same with red and white wines, but a sweet rose is nice for me!

    I am more of a sweet tooth though. It just depends what you like and it obviously isnt wine! haha  

  15. i ♥ wine

  16. not all wine is nice. I dont like white wine at all (too acidic) and some reds are chalky and sour.

    You need to find one you do like, but you may find it comes with time. Your pallette changes as you get older. Who knows? you may get to like brussell sprouts!

  17. Go for white wine and soda or lemonade. Yum

  18. If you really want to get into wine, I would suggest going to a local wine bar that offers a variety of tasting flights and has a friendly, knowledgeable staff and start experimenting. Otherwise, the best thing to do would be to visit wine country. The wineries of Santa Barbara produce great wines and are not as expensive as Napa or Sonoma. Paso Robles, CA would be another good place to start. I would avoid the wineries in every state except CA, OR, WA and the finger lakes region of NY.  

  19. I can't stand most wines currently, its more of an aquired taste accoring to my family.

    I am moving into the field by getting the sweet/desert wines, which are pretty darn good... supposedly then you grow to the other styles.

    I have started REALLY liking the  Boone's Farm's stuff.... its cheap ($2.25 at walmart) and tastes like soda... think i will try some other stuff soon though.

  20. Try a bottle of Cape Chenin Blanc chilled in the fridge and enjoyed at 9-30 pm. It's the only wine I can drink as the others are not to my taste.

  21. Drinking New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.

  22. Rest assured - you're not alone, and I love the bit about feline waste - how polite can you get (and the funny part of it here is that Yahoo in its wisdom would have allowed you to say that word - they don't regard it as a swear word over the pond!) however, as I was saying

    at which point, Yahoo has thrown up

    Hmm... it looks like you have a lot of punctuation.

    and if anybody can show me WHERE they can go to the top of the class! -

    AND I was about to say before I was so stupidly interrupted, whenever I'm offered wine regardless of colour, I nearly always say "No thanks - I prefer MY vinegar on my chips!"

    and even then, Yahoo throws up its own "Hmm..." as a misspell!

    Talk about "Could do better" ! ! !

  23. Hm, I've always wondered, what do feline waste products taste like? I'm glad to have found someone who knows.

    One possible explanation is that your tasting the sulfites in the wine.  If so, you have a really sensitive nose.  If you go to a dedicated wine store, they can probably set you up with a bottle of something that contains no sulfites and see if that tastes any better.

    Additionally, wine is a bit of an acquired taste, and cheap wine is much harder to palate for a beginner.  At this point you're better off easing into it, getting moderately priced ($10-20) wines that have fairly high alcohol content (15-20pct abv).  There is a noticeable difference in beverage quality between $4 and $10, and the greater concentration of alcohol will help dull your taste buds so you can get accustomed to the distinctive taste of the wine.

  24. It's different strokes for different folks! Just drink something you enjoy rather than force yourself to drink wine. You don't have to like it!

  25. You and your friends

    In boxes of ten

    Cool to the touch

    You warm me so much

    The white to your left

    The red to your right

    Were all that I'd seen

    Til I realised the love that I seek

    Lies right in-between


    I love ya

    Especially today


    I love your delicate way

    The chill in my veins

    Relieves me from pain

    Again and again

    I lose all control

    Your taking your toll

    I'm no longer sane

    So don't be afraid

    The love that I show is the love that you make

    So dont be afraid

    'Cos your in control

    I'm just your slave


    I love ya,

    Especially today,


    I love your delicate way.

    Dont let 'em put you down

    I won't let 'em put you down

    'Cos your as good as the rest

    And you're much better dressed

    I think pink is my colour

    I wont drink from no other


    Oh I love ya

    Especially today

    Especially this way

    Oh Rose

    I want ya

    You leave me this way


    I love your delicate way.

    I guess that's one person's reason for liking it. I tend to agree.

    Wine is one of the oldest distilled drinks, and has a massive range and variety. If you really don't like it, don't bother with it. I've never found it to be an acquired taste, and doubt you would ever come to like it through "practice".

    Take care.

  26. It's an acquired taste; attend a wine tasting where you can sample several and find one or maybe even two that you like!!

  27. I used to drink a lot of Jacobs Creek Australian Chardonnay. It wasn't the nicest tasting wine but you get used to it. Try sipping your wine and it may not taste as bad as you think.

  28. Wine is truly an acquired taste. If you aren't acquiring it, don't fret. Stick to what you like.....that's what makes us unique.

  29. My husband thinks wine taste like twigs....

    I found this wonderful dessert wine called V d'Or and another called   Lexington & Concord ~ produced at a winery in Rockbridge County, Virginia.  They also make a wine called Jeremiah, Oh my goodness it is the best I've ever tasted. They really helped me find what my palate could appreciate. Whenever I pass through there I stop and pick up a few bottles.

    If you really want to join  wine enthusiast, go to a winery and tell them what you don't like about wine (minus the feline waste thing) lol and they'll show you some wines that may be more to  your liking.   Learning to pair them with certain foods heightens the experience - many wineries teach you this while tasting.  

  30. Wine is yukkie, too me it tastes like vinegar . I understand you.

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