
I just caught a freshwater catfish, what do I feed it?

by Guest64846  |  earlier

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I just caught a freshwater catfish, what do I feed it?




  1. i would feed it whatever you caught it with because it sure went for it if you caught him. if you used a lure i would just feed it worms that you can seriously find in your backyard

  2. I have caught a couple freshwater catfish too and they were about 1/2 an inch. I am feeding them fish flakes, earthworms, and live fish. Feeding your catfish fish flakes, floating pellets, and shrimp pellets (these sink for the timid catfish) would be a great idea. I suggest you occasionally feed your fish earthworms and live fish/ or dead fish, but it may cloud your tank so feed these scarcely. I don't suggest chicken liver like that guy said because that will definitely cloud your tank!!!

    After about 1month my catfish grew to about 2 inches

  3. they are scavengers,it`ll eat worms,fish,fish food...anything.

  4. If there is a Pet Smart store close to you, stop by and check it out.   I'm quite sure that there will be a knowledgeable employee there that will be able to help you sufficiently.

  5. If you haven't quarantined it, then do it now, especially if your tank has other fish in it. Do you know what species it is? A lot of catfish grow too big for most tanks!

    Other than that, catfish will generally eat anything that fits in their mouths, and are always hungry. Try quality flake food, pellets, blood worms, earth worms, brine shrimp, catfish aren't picky eaters at all. They will even eat small fish if they can fit into their mouths, such as neon tetras. Or larger fish if you bagged yourself an iredescent shark catifsh or something like that...

  6. i caught a fish 2 and i just feed it fish flakes

  7. ....go to the local feed store and pick up a bag of catfish fingerling is a type of floating pellets

    ....fat head minnows are a favorite food for catfish and bass

    ....they are omnivors, so eating pellets, worms, minnows, or chicken livers is all a matter of fish preference

    ....the one you have will go through some acclimation period in captivity......if enough space if available, and plants, the fish may survive, and in fact learn to enjoy foating pellets and earthworms my point, a catfish must have enough room to swim in a full range of motion, or it will drown in a couple of days

  8. ok i have a red-tailed catfish and i feed him TWICE a week.  just a cube of frozen blood worms.  hes only 4 inches wide though but they will grow big if you feed them alot.  they also will die faster.   you want to feed them brine shrimp, blood worms, red worms, beef hearts, that kind of thing.  just try not to feed him to much

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