
I just caught a frog today and i dont know if i should put a light over the top of the tank to heat it?

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You see, I found a frog today and it is just a baby. It turns pale and i dont know why. Is that bad? Should I put a light over the tank to heat it? How warm should the tank be kept? Also do they eat rollie pollie's, because mine loves them.




  1. let it go back into the wild and be a beautiful part of nature.  don't keep it for yourself and let it die in captivity.

  2. Spend is correct, it is wrong to take an animal from the wild, especially one who has spent it's whole life with the whole wide world at it's grasp and assume it will adapt to being housed by a human.  Unless it is a baby or a very young juvenile you should release it ASAP.

  3. let it go, its not a baby. its turning pale because it is very stressed out, i cannot give you the proper care requirements because you dont know what kind of frog it is, im pretty sure the "rollie pollie" shell is hard for them to digest.

  4. LET IT GO you should never keep anything you catch in the wild, they belong out in your back yard not in a tank, go to a pet store and buy one.

  5. Stab in the dark but im guessing your an American sot if its green its an american green treefrog if it grey its and american grey treefrog

    here be some caresheets

    Heat lamps are a no no go for a heat mat instead and a stat such as a habistat to regulate the temps also dont just assume cause what the temp u put on your stat will be the temp in the vivarium get a thermometer in there.

    Tree frogs need more hight that ground space a 5-20 gallon tall tank is what i would recommend (the bigger the better and it must be tall 1.5 feet or bigger)

    As for the vivarium set-up lots of foliage broad leaved plants (plastic or real) vines branches etc.

    Food = insects (flies crickets (dont leave em in the vivarium too long) etc

    never handle any amphibian except when absolutely necessary, this is dude to chemicals and salts on your skin being absorbed through the frogs skin and harming it. (washing your hands make its safe for like 3-5 mins but even then its not recommended)

    my final point:

    LET THE FROG GO these aren't toys u need to research set-up the correct tank and have everything u need at least a week before getting a frog: currently your looking at over $100 of kit get the knowledge get the kit then get the frog from a breeder not just from outside

  6. my suggestion is to let him/her go. its not a baby, baby frogs are technically tadpoles. without knowing species type you can definitely not provide appropriate heating and environmental conditions to properly maintain  the animal in proper health. not to mention i find it very cruel to take an animal from the wild. in captivity most frogs are fed either commercially available flightless fruit flies, farmed crickets, all of which have been gut loaded beforehand on a nutritious diet. the best thing you can do for that animal is to let him go where you found him.

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