
I just changed the water filter in the fridge and.......

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the water is coming out hot! Not warm, HOT! Did I do something wrong? Why would it be coming out hot?




  1. Maybe try and adjust the filter settings

  2. mabey you put in a wrong type of filter i would definetly call someoneabout that like right now

  3. lol... if it is really hot it might be a chemical reaction inside the filter but more than likely you have hot water hooked to your frig. the refer holds about a gallon of water it chills it over time and when you get a glass it refills after a few min. If it was hooked to hot water it will burn more energy cooling it but other than that the only time you would know is if you depleted the whole gallon of water in the refer

    again the water will get cold but if you ran alot of water thru it as they suggest you would depleat the cold and replace with hot. with in 2-3 hours it will be cold. this is if it is a hot water issue. the only way to be sure is to pull the refer out turn the water off disconnect the water from the refer end of the hose then get a bucket. turn the water on and spray into the bucket she if the water is hot if it is not then it is your filter. if it is you should have someone reconect the water supply to a cold water source. or not worry about it. Lets say it is costing you $5 amonth to do the extra cooling from hot to cold. then in 2 years that would be about $120 dollars is it worth it to have a plumber fix the issue.

  4. ~~Wow, this is really weird. Did you happen to have the new filter stored in a hot area (like garage). The only reason we could think of is that maybe the carbon in the filter got hot and it will take an hour or so for the fridge to cool it down. Nothing else makes sense. Hope it's something simple like that, good luck!~~

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