
I just cleaned my room, but now I have nothing to do until my dad gets home, any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I'm on an adderall induced crazy fit, but now I've cleaned everything I can think of, and I don't have anything to to.

Today is my mom's birthday, but I'm taking her to a baseball game at three, and I cleaned as a present to her [I'm usually ultra messy, so it was a nice change for her.] , and her and I already made a birthday cake at 2am...

& until my dad gets home I can't go anywhere, because we only have one car, and he has it at the moment.

I don't feel at all creative.

Now, I cant think of anything to do...




  1. well u cant be to bored not to watch t.v and u dont kno if ur friends are asleep until u find out...

    answer Y!A questions i guess

  2. -play a card game or board game with your mom and brother


    -go on

    -answer questions on here

    -discover new bands on iTunes

    -look at your favorite clothing store online

    -draw/ color/ paint

  3. Watch TV.

    Talk to your friends.

    Listen to music.

    Answer questions on Y!A.  

  4. listen to music

    go on the computer

    watch tv

    play video games

  5. omg its my moms birthday today too!

    Read a book or something..

  6. eat a cookie

  7. Make annoying prank phone calls to random people. Pose as a person that works at a cheese factory. Tell them their order will be sent to their door as soon as possible. The total will be $92.18 plus $6 shipping and handling.

    Hmmm...I am not sure what you should do actually.

    Perhaps go try running a few miles. That's always fun! : )

    Best of wishes!!


    I'll send you some magical anti-boredom dust.

  8. How about pray and read your bible, that will give you hope for the future and something to live by.  I say this because the Word of God changed my life for the better, I was an alcoholic, drug user in my late teens early 20's and now I am a Minister of the Gospel.

  9. listen to music

    answer some questions on here

    google random sh*t

    go on Youtube and look up random stuff (you'd be suprised how entertaining that is) :]

    read a magazine

    paint yor toe-nails

    or fingernails

    ok, well i'm out of suggestions lmaoo


  10. hang out with your mom its her birthday! a game or something

  11. Watch a movie...

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