
I just come back from the hospital?

by  |  earlier

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I was feeling so out of it that I decided to go to the hospital to do something about it and not be able to seriously hurt myself.

Now I'm in need of some advice... what do I say to everyone around me when they notice I'm not feeling so okay. I did hurt myself somewhat, what will I do if someone notices I'm covering up?

What can I do to keep myself motivated to pursue this and GET the treatment I need instead of blowing it off.

I want to get rid of these feelings... I just want to feel like my life is going somewhere instead of just a giant ugly mess it's become.




  1. Zak, I agree with other two posters. If these people  care about you, they deserve to know what's going on. I know you want to do this yourself, but you need lots of support right now. Just be honest and let them know how you feel.  

  2. do you have depression? it sound like you need to get help for that...

    but you w, the people who will be asking will people who care about and love you, i would understand if you don't want strangers to know whats up but really dude, your own family? your own friend!?if they kw you enough to know something is wrong they deserve to know...believe me...hiding is worth the energy

  3. Only you can turn it around......dont rely on others to pull you out of your .............depression?  ITS UP TO YOU.

  4. well think about if someone cares enough about you that they notice your in pain then they deserve to wouldnt be fair to hide something from someone that loves you especially if its serious...dont just think about yourself but about them as well, i mean wouldnt u want to know if one of ur friends was hurt? and if u feel that uncomfortable about telling ppl tell only the ones u trust...again if its serious ur going to need all the support u can get when u undergo the treatment...hope everything works out

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