
I just created this name cuz i'm 9.5 mos pregnant & i feel like i will be forever. wut should i do?

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there r complications.




  1. umm your doctor should have had you induced a while ago. there is no way you are 9 1/2 months pregnant... is this a joke? your doctor would not have let you go that long. you need to call and speak with your doctor right away. either that or go and admit yourself to the hospital...

    The definition (based on World Health Organization [WHO] and International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics [FIGO] guidelines) of a post-term or prolonged pregnancy is a gestational age of 42 weeks or more (greater than 294 days) from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP). As many as 14 percent of all pregnancies will proceed beyond 42 weeks of gestation, while 4 percent continue beyond 43 completed weeks.

    When pregnancy exceeds 42 weeks gestation, the perinatal mortality rate (stillbirths plus early neonatal deaths) increases to 4 to 7 per 1,000, which is double the rate seen for deliveries at 40 weeks gestation. As more time passes, more calcium is deposited within the placenta (calcification), which can markedly affect its function. This may be one explanation for the increased mortality rates that are seen in post-term pregnancies.

    On average, post-term infants are larger than term infants. Approximately 2.5 to 10% of fetuses delivered after 42 weeks gestation exceed 4500 grams as compared to 0.8 to 1% of infants delivered at 40 weeks. These larger infants are at more risk for mechanical problems of labor such as prolonged labor, cephalopelvic disproportion requiring c-section, and shoulder dystocia.

    Post-date pregnancies are associated with an increased risk for umbilical cord compression, fetal distress, meconium aspiration, as well as newborn complications, such as hypoglycemia and seizures. Because of the associated morbidity and mortality, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) currently recommends induction of labor for post-term, low risk pregnancies sometime during the 43rd week of gestation.

    If an induction is not planned and pregnancy continues post-term, then fetal surveillance is mandated. No set regimen is required, but may include any combination of non-stress testing(NST), biophysical profiles (BPP) or modified biophysical profiles (amniotic fluid volume plus NST). It is generally agreed that fetal surveillance in the high risk or post-term pregnancy is associated with a decreased perinatal mortality rate

  2. get induced.

  3. I'm not pregnant, but it sounds like you should be induced unless there are complications. Haven't you spoken with your doctor?

  4. If you mean, what can you do to kickstart labour then here's a few tried and tested suggestions:

    slow, rhthmic movements like cleaning the floor

    raspberry leaf tea

    spicy food

    finally, s*x.  Sperm contains a substance that kickstarts your uterus!

    Have fun and Good luck.

  5. Full term is actually 40 weeks.  Likely, at 42 weeks if you haven't delivered, your doc will induce labor, but I recommend a C-section.  Babies born after being exposed to pitocin (what they give you to induce) are more likely to have autism.  I wouldn't run that risk.

  6. why hasn't your doctor induced you? most will only allow 2 weeks past your due date, then you automatically get induced.  theyll only let you go so long.  how many weeks are you?

  7. ask ur doc to induce you if you go to long your placenta begins to rot and the baby goes into distress which can cause death if not fixed in a period of time!!! if you can see if he will do a c section unless you want to have him or her vaginally

  8. Well you probably should be induced.

  9. you rally need to talk to your doctor about getting induced but think of it another way... your baby is waiting to make a grand entrance into the world.. so give her time she will come when she is pizza that always worked for me all three of my pregnancies i ate pizza and within 24 hours i was in labor so go to pizza hut..

  10. get a c-section.

  11. Get induced. It is not safe to continue to be pregnant for too long. The placenta starts to break down and keeping the baby in could cause placenta previa

  12. r u saying gu r two weeks over due? If so i'm surprised that u haven't been induced already! if it was me i would go to the hospital everyday go into a room get naked and cry until the office closed refusing to leave and maybe just maybe someone will have pity on me just kidding lol talk to your doctor the reason the baby should not stay past its lease is because your amniotic fluid gets lower and lower as you get further along

  13. You need to consult with your is important for your health and that of our baby's.  You want to make sure everything is still fine.  It is likely he will induce.

  14. you'll have to go to your doctor and set up a scheduled c-section

  15. if you're nine and a half months pregnant then ummm yeah it's time to call the doctor and say HEY GET THIS THING OUT OF ME ALREADY !!!! lol ... totally kidding. but ya you should def. call and see if they'll induce labor. good luck and congrats on the new baby ♥

    xoxo, from a preggo mama just like yourself =)

  16. Your dr'll induce. mine is inducing me the 25th, i'll be 12 days overdue if i make it til then. the risk of stilbirth goes up getting too far over your due date, the placenta starts deteriorating at a certain point. make sure you count your kicks/movements and if theres a lull in movement, go in.

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